Interpreting Openers Flashcards
I am very pleased to meet you
Estoy encantado a conocerle
It is a real pleasure to finally get to meet you
Es un placer conocerle Por fin
I have been look forward to meeting you
He estado deseando conocerle
May I welcome you to…
Permitame darle la bienvenida a
Thankyou for taking the time to meet with me
Garcias por buscar tiempo para reunirse conmigo
I apologise for the weather/wait
Le pido disculpas por el mal tiempo/ la espera
I am sorry for keeping you waiting
Siento haberle hecho esperar
Please accepts my apologies for the terrible weather we are suffering
Le ruego me disculpe por el mal tiempo que estamos sufriendo
I have been unable to find the documents you refer to
No he podido encontrar los documentos a los que se refiere
Don’t worry! That’s perfectly understandable
No se preocupe, Es totalmente comprensible
I hope you have had a good trip
Espero que haya tenido un buen viaje
I hope your hotel is comfortable
Espero que su hotel le resulte comodo
If you are hungry, perhaps we could have some lunch afterwards
Si tiene hambre, quizas podriamos comer despues
Can I offer you a tea or coffee?
Le apetece un té o un cafe?
Lets get down to business shall we?
Si le parece, podriamos empezar
Shall we begin?
If that’s okay with you, I would like to start
Si no tiene inconveniente, me gustaria empezar
Would you like me to show you our hotel/ the premises
Le apetece ver el hotel o las instalaciones
Perhaps we could take a tour of the building
Veamos el edificio si quiere
Thanks for your time
Gracias por concederme su tiempo
Excellent news
Muy buena noticia
Lo mejor sería
Sobre todo
I’d like to welcome Mr/Mrs
Me gustaría dar la bienvenida al Sr./ a la Sra.