Interphase Nucleus Flashcards
Nuclear Matrix
Confers non-random anatomical order
Organizes chromatin to enable orderly replication & transcription
Components of the nuclear matrix
- Nuclear envelope/poor complex/lamina
- Nucleolus
- Internal Matrix (90%)
Nuclear Envelope
Double membrane
Outer Membrane - ribosomes/ER
Inner Membrane - Nuclear Lamina and marginal heterochromatin
Nuclear Pore Complex
Occurs between segments of nuclear envelope
proteins <40kD can diffuse (passively) thru, others must be regulated by rapid active transport systems
Proteins found in pore complex
30 member family, stacked in 3 octameric rings
Bind and transport complexes from cytoplasm, consisting of a nuclear (cargo) protein plus an nuclear localization sequence (NLS) receptor protein
Lysine and Arginine residues (basic) confer that
Nuclear (cargo) proteins
have a NLS
NLS = zipcode of basic amino acids (K+,R+)
NLS-Receptor Proteins
Bind to NLS-bearing nuclear cargo proteins and escort them to the nuclear pore
Nuclear Import
- Nuclear cargo proteins (with NLS) binds NLS-receptor
- Receptor docks to a nucleoporin in the pore
- Translocaiton thru Pore (active transport using Ran-GTP)
- Release to nuclear interior
Phosphorylation of NLSs
Regulates entry of proteins into the nucleus
Can’t be imported
Nuclear Export
tRNAs, mRNAs, ribosome subunits, proteins
Nuclear Export Sequences (NESs) = zip codes for export
Typical NES is LPPLERTL (enriched in leucine residues)
Selectivity of Nuclear Pores
Nuclear Pores are multi-functional!
Every single pore has the same activity, can import/export all products
Energy for Nuclear Import/Export
Ran-GTP gradient
- High concentrations of Ran-GTP in the nucleus bind to empty import receptors and loaded export receptors - These move along the grandient to the cytoplasm where Ran-GTP is hydrolyzed
Nuclear Lamina
Resides between the inner nuclear envelope and marginal heterchromatin
Lamina Proteins
3 Proteins: lamins A,B,C
Lamin B attaches to nuclear envelope via the Lamin B Receptor.
- Lamins A and C bind to Lamin B
Lamins A & C interact with the marginal heterochromatin
Functions of Nuclear Lamina
Interphase: maintains nucleus as sphere
Mitosis: hyper-phosphorylation of A+C –> soluble
Lamin B stays bound to the LBR which mediates reformation of nuclear envelope at telophase
Mutations of Lamin Gene
LMNA gene encodes lamins A & C
mutations of LMNA cause muscular dystrophy and cardiomyopathy, and premature aging
Only function is to make ribosomes
400 genes that make up the ribosomal RNA, 40 of them on each of 10 chromosomes
Internal Nuclear Matrix
Comprises 98% of the total nuclear matrix
Confers non-random order of chromatin