Interpersonal Relationships Flashcards
This deck's objective is to be able to describe the component systems of communication, describing congruence between verbal and nonverbal messages
What is communication
Communication is a combination of verbal and non-verbal behaviours integrated for the purpose of sharing information.
Within the nurse-client relationship, any exchange of information between two individuals carries what?
Within the nurse-client relationship, any exchange of information between two individuals carries messages about how to interpret the communication.
What is Metacommunication
Metacommunication is a broad term used to describe all of the factors that influence how the message is perceived.
Metacommunicated messages may be hidden within what?
Metacommunicated messages may be hidden within verbalisations or be conveyed as nonverbal gestures and expressions.
In a professional relationship, what components of communication are intimately related?
verbal and non-verbal
Give an example of a metacommunicated message
Student (smiling): Hi, I am Sydney. We nursing students are trying to encourage community awareness in promoting environmental health and are looking for people to hand out fliers. Would you be willing?
(Metacommunication): I realise that this is a strange request, seeing that you do not know who I am, but I would really appreciate your help. I am a nice person.
In the example you used for a metacommunicated message, describe the verbal message the person conveyed.
The student nurse conveyed a verbal message of caring to her white, middle-class client by making appropriate, encouraging responses.
In the example you used for a metacommunicated message, describe the non-verbal message the person conveyed.
The student nurse conveyed a non-verbal message by maintaining direct eye-contact, presenting a smooth face without frowning, and using a relaxed, fluid body posture without fidgeting.
In a professional relationship, what components of communication are intimately related?
verbal and non-verbal components
What can you nonverbally communicate with a client? Give an example
Acceptance, interest, and respect. A student studying American Sign language for the deaf realised it was not sufficient to make the sign for ‘smile’, but to show a smile at the same time.
What are words
Words are symbols used by people to think about ideas and communicate with others.
What are choice of words influenced by
Choice of words are influenced by many factors (age, race, socioeconomic group, educational background, and sex) and by the situation in which the communication is taking place.
The interpretation of the meaning of words may vary according to what
The individual’s background and experiences
What is it dangerous to assume?
Words have the same meaning for all persons who hear them.
When is language only useful?
To the extent that it accurately reflects the experience it is designed to portray.
Give examples of when language is not useful
The difficulty an American has communicating with a person who speaks only Vietnamese, of the dilemma of a young child with limited vocabulary who is trying to tell you where it hurts.
What can be a therapeutic part of treatment
Our voice