Internet Flashcards
When did the tech revolution begin?
How did the United States contribute to the internet ?
The Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) developed many of the technologies used for internet communication today. The internet was also an idea created during the cold war in thoughts of nuclear warfare communications, but never came true.
What is ARPANET?
It was a connection of computers from a several universities that was first done by ARPA. It wasn’t for communication and was used mostly for shared computer power. Paul Baran was the lead inventor.
Who is Sir Tim Berners Lee?
He solved the problem of a mess from the incompantibility of differnet networks and CERN systems leading him to inventing the World Wide Web. He created this because he wanted the researchers to be able to communicate and share their research and results with each other more easily eventually leading to more progress being done.
What is the internet?
It is the infrastructure of the network.
Did Tim Berners Lee patentient the World Wide Web?
What is the modern internet?
It is a huge array of interconnected points around the world.
What are sea plows?
They are machines that lay and dig holes for fiber optic cabels to lay in allowing the water to bury them later.
What was the 2008 submarine cable disruption?
Due to damaged cables much of India and the Middle East lost all access to the internet.
What is The Internet Corporation for Asigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)?
It is a nonprofit open and transparent corportation that manage the domain name system (DNS) with members from all around the world.
What is the World Wide Web Consortium?
A corporation ran by Sir Tim Berners Lee
What is the World Wide Web Consortium?
A corporation ran by Sir Tim Berners Lee
How did the British contribute to the internet?
They came up with the idea of packet switching in a computer system called NPL.
How did the French contribute to the internet?
They worked on Cyclades and coined the term Le Internet.
How long was the internet in the making?
It was in the making for 40 years.
What is packet switching?
A way of advoiding congestion in busy networks by cutting up data at one end and putting it back together in the other.
What was Cyclades?
It was a computer network and connections that were physically connected together.
What was NPL?
A computer network concept that invented the idea of packet switching.
What is TCP/IP?
A set of protocals that form the basic communication language of the internet, which labels the packets of data and makes sure that even though some pieces of the same data take a different route, they all arive at their destination and can be reassembled.
When did networks really start to communicating to each other?
In 1975
What is the history of email?
It was developed for ARPANET in 1972 and was quickly popularized in universities.
How did Tim Berners Lee invent the World Wide Web?
He created an interface using HTTP, HTML, and URLs. This made internet browsers possible.
When was the first ever website created?
It was created in August 1991.
When was the internet offically workable for the masses?
When was the internet designed?
Early 1970s
Who designed the internet?
Bob Kahn, and Vint Cerf