Internet Flashcards
Explain how the internet is a federated system.
Allows interoperability and information sharing between semi-autonomous de-centrally organized lines of business.
How does network relate to internet?
Internet is not a network technology. It ties different networks together.
What are the problems facing the Internet?
- Internet Scale
- Competing Entities must Cooperate
- Enormous Diversity of Devices
Formal definition of Internet.
A federated system of enormous scale with large dynamic range
and diversity that is asynchronous in operation failure prone and
constantly evolving
Describe the design paradigms of the internet. (5)
Decentralized control
A best-effort service model
Route around trouble
Dumb infrastructure with smart endhosts.
The end to end design principle - keep the core network simple and have functionality for reliability and the two endpoints.
Explain best effort service model.
No guarantee on whether or when data will be delivered.
No notification of outcome.
What do the following stand for?
SDN - Software Defined Networks
NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
OSI - Open System Interconnection
Explain layering principle of internet.
A part of a system with well-defined interfaces to other parts. One layer interacts only with the layer above and layer below. Two layers interact only through the interface between them. Each layer should have a single standard protocol.
If layer A is a Session protocol using PDU what is the unit exchanged called?
Explain the hierarchical structure of the layers.
Each layer offers certain services to the higher layers without revealing how those services are implemented.
T or F. Communication is always horizontal in the Internet.
T or F. Except in the physical medium, communication is always vertical in the Internet.
Explain encapsulation in network.
Encapsulation allows higher-level protocols to utilize lower-level protocols while still allowing protocols at every level of the stack to add their own protocol-specific data to each packet. The N + 1 - PCI is not visible to layer N.
T or F. The packet size will increase as a packet goes from application to link layers when being sent.
T or F. The packet size will decrease as a packet goes from link to application layers when being received.
Name four main layers and a process utilised on each of them.
Application layers (HTTP)
Transport Layer (TCP)
Internet Layer (IP)
Link Layer (Hardware)
What do the following stand for?
SAP - Service Access Point
SDU - Service Data Unit
PDU - Protocol Data Unit
PCI - Protocol Control Information
What is SAP?
Point between a layer and the next highest one.
What is SDU?
Is the block of data coming from the higher layer.
What is PCI?
Is the header that is added onto the SDU to make the relevant data block at this layer.
What is PDU?
Is the block of data that is given to the next layer underneath the current layer.
How are packets transported through network by IP?
Datagram packet switching
Explain how TCP/IP Reference Model is a client-server model.
A client machine requests a service and runs only when needed. A server program, runs all the time waiting for incoming requests.
What do the following stand for?
Network Interface Card
User Datagram Protocol
What is ‘port’ number?
Address of application that we must send the packet to.
What is UDP?
UDP attaches port numbers without any reliability or congestion control unlike TCP.
Explain what TCP does?
Gives each byte of data its own Sequence Number. Assigns port number, but also has congestion control and reliability.
What is MSS?
Maximum TCP Segment Size. This is the block size for what the receiver can take, usually set at the start and not changed.
What is congestion window?
How much I can send which changes all the time. Grows with each successful transmission.
What is receiver’s advertised window?
This is the maximum window size, congestion window cannot exceed it. Can be changed.
What is Threshold?
This is where the receiver goes from exponential increase to linear increase. It is initially set but changes when there is a timeout.
T or F. Packet loss due to transmission is quite common.
What does ACK stand for?
Explain TCP Congestion Control from setup.
When connection initialised, sender intialises congestion window to MSS and sends one MSS.
Grows exponentially, add one MSS to congestion window and send 2 MSS ….
If we try to exceed the receivers advertised window then congestion window = receivers advertised window.
When the congestion window reaches or exceeds the threshold, send that number of MSS, then increase linearly by one MSS.
Procedure for timeout.
When a timeout occurs, there is a reset of the connection parameters.
Reset threshold to 1/2 current congestion window.
Reset congestion window to one MSS.
Formula for time to send full window?
= RTT * number of succeful transmission before a full window can be sent.
What did Barbara Liskov win? When?
The Computer Science equivalent of the Nobel Prize in 2008.
T or F. Extracting a Network PCI from a Transport PDU results in a Network SDU.
List the layers in a network in order.
Application, Transport, Network, Data Link, Hardware.
T or F. A Transport PDU is the same as a Network SDU.
T or F. A Transport SDU is identical to a Network PDU.
T or F. The MSS in TCP can not be changed once set.
T or F. Extracting a Data Link PCI from a Data Link PDU results in a Network PDU.
T or F. The congestion window in TCP changes a lot of the time.
T or F and explain. In UDP an IP Host and Port uniquely defines a host’s application process.
If two hosts are communicating, the combination of source IP, source port, destination IP, and destination port defines the complete connection context.
T or F and explain. TCP preserves message (packet) boundaries.
Packets are treated as a stream.
T or F. The actual communication in the OSI layered model is vertical.
T or F. The Internet only gives a best effort service with no guarantees.
T or F. A layered architecture means that each layer can look inside any other layer.
T or F. The communication latency in the Internet varies by billions.
T or F. Encapsulation means the data is secure.
T or F. The Internet is designed around being a Synchronous system.
T or F. The bandwidth in the Internet varies by billions.
T or F and explain. There are four layers in the OSI Model.
They are seven.