International Trade Slides Flashcards
Trade is mutually beneficial
- New markets = greater expansion
- more efficiency = improved production
- cheaper products = freed-up wealth
- division of labor = concentration on what you do best
- specialization = making using of your advantages, improves efficiency
absolute advantage vs. comparative advantage
compared to other countries vs. compared to other products
Determinants of comparative advantage
- one’s inherent endowments
- endowments of one’s trade partners
Endowments/factors of production
- land (farming, natural resources)
- labor (skilled/unskilled)
- Capital (human, financial assets like tech and machinery)
taxes on imports
nontariff barriers
- quotas: limits on quantities/volumes
- health and safety standards
- other penalties: antidumping
government payments to producers
- outright prohibition (ex. military tech deemed sensitive to national security)
collective action
smaller groups enjoy organizational advantages
- producers: few in number and powerful in finances
- consumers: numerous and disorganized
Political institutions affect power over trade policy
- democracies are less protectionist than dictatorships (democracies represent broad group interests like consumers while dictatorships represent narrow restrictive interests like a specific industry
overall, trade liberalization produces more ______ than _______ for a country
benefits, losses
trade produces ______ and ______
losers and winners
Compensation and trade policy examples
- trade adjustment assistance
- training programs for laid-off workers
Global Trade Agreements (GATT)
- norms of reciprocity and national safeguards
- negotiating rounds addressed different issues or sectors
- replaced by the World Trade Organization in 1994
World Trade Organization (WTO)
- replaced GATT
- larger membership, covering about 80% of all world trade
- WTO can enforce its provisions
- can authorize actions for violators of rules
- monitors compliance
- goal is for complete liberalization of all trade
criticisms of the WTO
- favors western countries and their sectors
- favors international corporations over other interests
- rules tend to focus on trade itself and exclude other concern on environment, health, safety, etc.