- United Nations - Regional Treaties and Organizations - Economic Globalization - Cultural Globalization
refers to the rich and poor countries in Brandt Line?
Global North - rich
Global South - poor
“money out flow”
It is a regional organization that promotes free trade
Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation
refers to the exit of Britain in European Union
HE is the “father of Capitalism”
Adam Smith
What are the prime movers of cultural globalization?
- migration
- internet
- pop culture
- international travel
Who are the two presidents who headed the Washington Consensus?
US - Ronald Raegan
UK - Margaret Thatcher
What are the objectives of of ASEAN?
- maintain peace
- borderless trade
- exchange cultures
he believed that the world is divided by an imaginary line
Willy Brandt
refers to the consumption of common culture
Cultural Globalization
refers to the privatization of government owned corporations
refers to the difference between money coming in and out of the economy
Balance of Payment (BOP)
What are the goals/achievements of the The Bretton-Woods Conference?
- promote economic development
- reconstruction of state
- made US Dollars the international universal currency
- created the World Trade Organization
What are the principles of European Union?
- free trade
- passport control abolition
- uniform foreign policy
- one currency (euro)
What are the principles of ASEAN?
- free trade
- free movement of people
- non interference
- minimum qualifications
What doe s”utopia” mean?
perfect society with absolute equality
Where is the headquarters of ASEAN?
Jakarta, Indonesia
What are the 11 (2025) ASEAN Members?
Timor Leste
What are the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council?
China, US, France, UK, Russia
What does Laissez-Faire mean?
Let alone
What is the characteristics of Global North?
- High Gross Domestic Product
- Low Corruption
- High Human Development
introduced the term “utopia”
Karl Marx
refers to the imaginary line that the world is divided by
Brandt Line
Who is the current General Secretary of NATO?
Jens Stoltenberg
When was United Nations formed?
October 24, 1945
refers to cultural interconnectedness
Cultural Globalization
What principal organ of UN handles the global, economical, and social affairs?
UN Economic and Social Council
how many countries are under in European Union?
What countries are members of the QUAD?
Australia, India, Japan, and US
What principal organ of UN help newly independent countries?
Trusteeship Council
What organization is a strategic security dialogue between Australia, India, Japan, and US?
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD)
He is the “father of Economics”
Adam Smith
What are the principal organs of UN?
- UN Security Council
- UN Secretariat
- General Assembly
- UN Economic and Social Council
- Trusteeship Council
- International Court of Justice
How many members does Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation have?
21 Pacific rim member economy
The International Court of Justice is also known as?
World Court
refers to selling at the international market
What is the meaning of a positive, negative, and zero values of BOP?
Positive - favorable balance of trade
Negative - unfavorable balance of trade
Zero - trade balance
When is European Union established?
March 26, 1995
What organization refers to the multilateral military agreement of the North Athlantic?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
What are the 2 financial institution of US that aims for reconstruction of states?
- International Monetary Fund
- World Bank
He is the “father of communism”
Karl Marx
What part of Ukraine did Russia colonized when they announced joining NATO in 2014?
Believed in the Laissez-Faire
Adam Smith
He wrote “Wealth of Nations”
Adam Smith
regional military organization that promotes borderless, economic, political, security, military, education, and socio-economic cultural cooperation
refers to the advancement of life at present without sacrificing the future through environmental protection
Sustainable Development Goals
refers to the minimum qualification under ASEAN
ASEAN Qualification Framework
What are the countries with stateless people?
- Rohingya of Myanmar
- Kurds of Kurdistan
Who is the 1st UN Secretary General?
Trygvue Lie (Norway)
Where is the headquarters of Organization of oil Producing and Expanding Countries?
Vienna, Austria
refers to the power to reject resolutions, motions, and other decisions of the other principal organs
Veto Power
refers to a long-term loan. it is conditional where they will check the policy of a country and give recommendations on it
World Bank
It is the limitation on the maximum import in a country
How many non-permanent members with 2-year terms are in the UN Security Council?
“money in flow”
How many countries are members of NATO?
31 members (29 Europe, 2 North America)
It is a treaty to minimize barriers to International trade by eliminating or reducing quotas, tariffs, and subsidies
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
It is the taxes on imports and exports
it is a Regional Trade Institution of informal economic form with 7 superpowers of the world
Government 7
refers to when the US and UK promoted neoliberalism
Washington Consensus
how many sustainable development goals are there?
Which institutions are under Regional Trade?
How many countries is in UN?
193 countries
refers to the meeting after the World War 2 to agree upon a series of rules on the international monetary system
The Bretton-Woods Conference
What are the trade barriers?
Tariff and Quota
refers to when a company (usually a multinational corporation) opens a branch, office or factory in another country
Foreign Direct Investment
Which organization aims to prevent communism in Southeast Asia?
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
refers to short-term loan. it is non-conditional and used by states as a last resort
International Monetary Fund
Who is the current European Commission President?
Ursula Von Der Leyen
When is WTO founded?
January 1, 1995
Which are the references of China and PH on the South China Sea dispute?
PH - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS)
9 Dash Line - South China
Who is the current UN Secretary General?
Antonio Gutteres
What are the 5 Founding members of ASEAN?
Where is the main headquarters of UN?
New York
What is the deliberative of UN?
General Assembly
refers to buying from the international market
Who is the current secretary of WTO?
Ngozi-Okonjo Iwaela (Nigeria)
Who is the 1st Filipino (Asian) to be the Secretary General of the UN General Assembly?
Carlos P. Romulo
What were the results of the Washington Consensus?
- less state intervention
- free market economy
- full integration to the national economy
- removal of trade barriers
He wrote “Das Capital and Communist Manifesto”
Karl Marx
What is the most powerful intergovernmental organization of the world?
United Nations
What are the 2 principles of NATO?
- Collective Defense
- Sharing of Military Bases, Technology, and Intelligen
What are the goals of QUAD?
- protect Indo-pacific against piracy
- promote true, open, prosperous, and inclusive Indo-pacific region
How many countries are under the Organization of oil Producing and Expanding Countries?
13 members
how is the quality of education measured/
numbers of years of schooling
Where is the headquarters of the International Court of Justice located at?
“The Hague” in Netherlands
What is under the Human Development Index?
- life expectancy
- Gross National Income per capita
(GNI / population)
union of countries in Europe
European Union
Where is the headquarters of Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation?
Organization that shift resources maximization through value-added production, higher level of processing and adaptation of green technology in industries
Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines - East ASEAN Growth Area
Why was Russia removed from G7 (formerly G8)?
Due to Russia’s annexation of Crimea (Ukranian Port) in 2014
How many international Court Judges are in the International Court of Justice?
What are the benefits of Foreign Direct Investment?
- increase tax revenue
- employment
What are the 3 main goals of UN?
- peace
- planet
- people
Who is the Executive Director of Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation?
Rebeca Sta. Maria (Malaysia)
Which UN organization facilitates global trading?
World Trade Organization
What is the goal of Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines - East ASEAN Growth Area?
to spur development in remote and less developed areas in the 4 ASEAN Trade
Which countries are under G7?
France, US, Germany, UK, Japan, Italy, Canada
What is the goal of International Monetary Fund?
provide financial stability to nations
It is the highest decision body of UN
UN Security Council
What is the formula for BOP?
BOP = money in flow (export) - money out flow (import)
It is a Regional Trade Institution that aims to coordinate and unify petroleum policies and states
Organization of oil Producing and Expanding Countries
What is the goal of World Bank?
economic development
When is ASEAN established and what is it called?
August 8, 1967, Bangkok Declaration
Where is the headquarters of WTO?
Geneva, Switzerland
What is the administrative organ of UN through various departments and program?
UN Secretariat
It is the universal court for International law and state disputes
International Court of Justice