International Phonetic Alphabet Flashcards
ant /ænt/
We’ve got ants in our kitchen.
They studied the behaviour of ants.
a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well-organized social groups
archive /ˈɑː.kaɪv/
These old photographs should go in the family archives.
I’ve been studying village records in the local archive.
archive film/footage/material
Arkansas /ˈɑː.kən.sɔː/
a state in the southern US, whose capital city is Little Rock
a state in the southern US, whose capital city is Little Rock
aunt /ɑːnt/
I have an aunt in Australia.
This is my Aunt Camille.
the sister of someone’s father or mother, or the wife of someone’s uncle or aunt
bear /beər/
to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant:
Tell me now! I can’t bear the suspense!
to have or continue to have something:
The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.
to hold or support something:
The chair, too fragile to bear her weight, collapsed.
beer /bɪər/
an alcoholic drink made from grain and hops (= a type of plant):
He asked for a pint of beer.
This beer is brewed in Mexico.
berry /ˈber.i/
a small, round fruit on particular plants and trees
She survived in the forest by eating berries and trapping small animals and birds.
biscuit /ˈbɪs.kɪt/
a small, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet:
chocolate/ginger biscuits
bury /ˈber.i/
to put a dead body into the ground:
His father is buried in the cemetery on the hill.
to put something into a hole in the ground and cover it:
The dog trotted off to bury its bone.
business /ˈbɪz.nɪs/
the activity of buying and selling goods and services:
He’s in the frozen food business.
castle /ˈkɑː.səl/
a large strong building, built in the past by a ruler or important person to protect the people inside from attack
chess /tʃes/
a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces that can be moved on the board in different ways
choice /tʃɔɪs/
an act or the possibility of choosing:
If the product doesn’t work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.
collocation /ˌkɒl.əˈkeɪ.ʃən/
the combination of words formed when two or more words are often used together in a way that sounds correct:
The phrase “a hard frost” is a collocation.
convict verb /kənˈvɪkt/
to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime:
He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson.
convict noun /ˈkɒn.vɪkt/
someone who is in prison because they are guilty of a crime:
an escaped convict
strong /kʊd/ weak /kəd/
past simple of “can”, used to talk about what someone or something was able or allowed to do:
When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired.
cow /kaʊ/
a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk:
a dairy cow
crash /kræʃ/
If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged and someone is hurt:
We skidded on the ice and crashed.