Accounting standardization
- Process that pursues uniform accounting methods and practices for the preparation of the accounting information of companies, at the national level, facilitating its comparability.
Among its most outstanding objectives are:
- give guidelines to providers of accounting information on how they should prepare it
- guide the auditor in verifying the accounting information
- provide users with criteria on how the accounting information has been prepared
International accounting harmonization
- Internationally, the accounting harmonization searches for uniform criteria that allow the approach of the accounting standards from different countries
This is mainly due to the following issues:
- Financial markets, in a increasingly globalized context, need accounting information, which is generally prepared with different standards in each country
- Growth in international business request accounting information among companies
- Multinational companies are the main interested in harmonization. Companies belonging to the same holding must prepare consolidated financial statements with homogenous criteria
International accounting
Set of international activities designed for accounting harmonization, with the sole purpose of facilitating comparability of financial information.
International accounting standard board- IASB (London, UK)
- Created by the world´s most representative professional bodies issuing accounting standards, including the European Commission
It has been created to:
- Put into service a set of unique and international accounting standards facilitating the comparability of the accounting information
- Work together with national bodies in different countries to achieve cohesion in accounting standards worldwide
International financial reporting standards (IFRS)
- In the 1990s, increasing globalization accelerated the push for international standards and IASB became responsible for developing IFRS
- Used in over 100 countries around the world, including the countries in the EU, Brazil, Australia, Canada, etc.
- Counting standards ant to assist preparers of financial statements when there are no standards for guidance
Conceptual framework:
It provides a basis for preparing and presenting financial statements. Its purpose is to provide a structure for creating new accounting standards ant to assist preparers of financial standards when there are no standards for guidance.