international business - key words Flashcards
What is global sourcing ?
Global sourcing is buying the product from a cheaper supplier.
What is outsourcing ?
This is when you get a lower cost firm to make your product.
What is trade liberalisation (free trade) ?
Free trade is a policy by which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports by applying tariffs or quotas.
What are trade barriers ?
Any regulation that restricts international trade, such as quotas, charges, regulations, etc
What is a trading bloc ?
A set of countries which engage in international trade together, and are usually related through a free trade agreement or other association. Ex: EU
What is the world trade organisation (WTO) and what does it do ?
Is a UN trade organisation with the objectives of removing all barriers to international trade in goods, services, and intellectual property, equitable and speedy resolution of disputes between trading partners, and identification of non-compliance with trade agreements.
What is specialisation ?
Is where a nation identifies a industry in which it has an absolute or comparative advantage over rival nations and the concentrates on growing these industries so that they can produce more of their products or services.
What is absolute advantage ?
Is where a nation has one (or more) of its industries having an absolute advantage over rival nations. Ex: the nation has industries which are more efficient or has lower production costs so you can make the product cheaper.
What is comparative advantage ?
Where a nation has one of industries having a ‘relatively’ lower opportunity cost in what it produces and will therefore specialise in making more of that product and exporting it to other nation.
What is corporate social responsibility ?
How companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society
What is a stakeholder ?
A stakeholder is someone or a group of people who are affected by and affect businesses.
What is ethical decision making ?
Means following codes of practice that embody moral values. The objective is to do the right thing, acting with honesty and integrity and taking into consideration of everyone affected by the decision.
What are social audits ?
Social audits highlight the progress, or lack of it, of a business that is committed to acting responsibly towards all its stakeholders.
What are social cultural differences ?
Come from the fact that individual societies and groups within them may have a distinctive way of life. This will affect their patterns of consumption and the products they favour. But it will also affect the way they do business with one another.
What is a tariff ?
Tariffs are taxes placed on specific imported goods. They are sometimes called import or customs duties.
What are quotas ?
Quotas are physical limits on the level of specific imports in any one year.
What is dumping ?
Means exporting at a price that is less than the true cost of production.
What is an infant industry ?
Are those with some prospect of profitability in the long term, provided they are given some protection in the short term while they get started.
What is globalisation ?
The worldwide movement towards economic, financial, trade and communications integration.
What is global strategy ?
The plans developed by an organization to target growth on a global level for sales of products or services.
What is global localisation ?
Where markets differ, businesses need to plan production and marketing strategies to fit cost differences between factories and individual market preferences.
What is organic growth ?
Occurs when an individual business increases output. This type of expansion is likely to be steady but secure.
What is inorganic growth ?
occurs when a business expand by taking over or merging with another company.
What is a takeover ?
Refers the situation where one company is buying another one. This may be an amicable process or a hostile bid.
What is a merger ?
Means combining with another company on a collaborative basis
What is global marketing ?
refers to the marketing strategies used by businesses when operating in global markets. The elements of the marketing mix may be the same or different according to which part of the global market a business is in.
What is economic growth ?
Increase in a country’s productive capacity, as measured by comparing gross national product (GNP)in a year with the GNP in the previous year.
What is GDP ?
The value of a country’s overall output of goods and services (typically during one fiscal year) at market prices, excluding net income from abroad.
What is an open economy ?
Market-economy mostly free from trade barriers and where exports and imports form a large percentage of the GDP.
What is HDI ?
Global index utilize to rank the development of countries by examining the achievements of the inhabitants of the country.
What is a joint venture ?
New firm formed to achieve specific objectives of a partnership like temporary arrangement between two or more firms. JVs are advantageous as a risk reducing mechanism in new-market penetration, and in pooling of resource for large projects.
What is a distribution channel ?
he path through which goods and services travel from the vendor to the consumer or payments for those products travel from the consumer to the vendor.
What is a constraint ?
It restricts an entity, project, or system (such as a manufacturing or decision making process) from achieving its potential
What is protectionism ?
Governmental policy aimed at shielding a fragile economy, or a weak or critical sector, from cheaper or better imports through imposition of high duty rates (tariff barriers), quotas, and/or inordinately stringent or time consuming inspection or quality regulations (non-tariff barriers).