process by which a company enters foreign market resource constraints see firms often start small and locally, then grow nationally then go to an international scale.
Micro Political risk:
actions in a host country that can adversely affect selected foreign operations of a company that does business internationally. Eg: kidnapping, regulations of the industry, threats from terrorists, and taxes
Macro political Risk:
a type of political risk that can impact all businesses operating within a country e.g.: changes in monetary policy, shifts in the regulatory or tax regime, and political or civil unrest.
How to block trade flows
- Tarrif taxes on products
non-tariifs eg quotas.technical barriers - limits to FDI
- Regulations EU-US open skies agreement
What are the types of political risk
- legal: tarrifs,regulation,nationalization
- non-legal risks
- corruption
What is the current rate of inflation OCT 2023?
What are the four types of entrepenurs? according to Chell et al
1) Opportunist entrepreneur
2) Realist entrepreneur
3) Administrator
4) Caretaker