International approaches to regulation Flashcards
Banking for International Settlements
Central banks for central banks
Forums to encourage national governments to adopt laws. Does not automatically have force in national or international law.
International Banking Federation facilitates this
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Part of the BIS
Forums for central bankers and regulators from numerous countries
sharing of best practices to enhance financial stability
10 principles
1) The standards implementation group
2) The accounting task force
3) The Basel consultative group
4) policy development group
Basel III
1) Reg Capital requirements
2) Supervisory review process
3) Market discipline
Financial Stability Board
Co-ordinates international level national authorities and standard setting bodies responsible for financial stability
Face to face twice a year
Hosted by BIS
The Financial Stability Board only name the principles according to IOSCO, BCBS and IAIS as key standards in the financial regulatory and supervisory area.
International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
Supervision of stock markets
- prevent systemic risk
- protect investors
- markets fair efficient and transparent
38 principles created - 15 principles relevant to securities market
Three regulatory authorities under ESA (European Supervisory Authorities)
1) ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) - Financial market places
2) EBA( European Banking Authority) - regulate banks
3) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) - regulate insurance firms and pension fund management firms
European Supervisory Authorities
Single EU rule book
Risk - based supervision
Assess the impact and probability of a risk crystallising
Rules based versus principle based supervision
Specific and prescriptive
High level outcomes focused
Thematic based supervision
Focus on particular market, practice or product
Relationship based supervision
staff members of regulators assigned specific, high impact firms
Inspection & Compliance programmes
Preventative not necessarily based on suspicion
disclosure of info
use of technology
On spite inspections
Not specified investments
- Currencies and precious metals
- Futures for commercial purposes
- Property
- option on crude oil
Memoranda of understanding
- Sets out relationship between regulators
- identifies when assistance should be sought
- commitment on confidentiality
Home State Rules
rules where firm is licensed
- facilitates a single market
Host State Rules
rules in jurisdiction of the customer
- clearer protection for customers
Supervisory colleges
Multilateral working groups of relevant supervisors
Who regulates Singapore Exchange Limited?
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)