International accounting standard 1 Flashcards
What are the two main advantages of standardisation due to international accounting standards?
Faithful representation - ensures that financial reporting is free from bias.
Comparability - ensures that financial statements are drawn up on a consistent basis so they can be compared to previous years or other entities.
What is meant by materiality?
The relevance of information depends on its level of materiality.
Material information has a large effect on the financial statements, its omission or mis-statement could influence users’ decisions.
The IASB cannot specify a generally applicable materiality threshold, since materiality is an entity-specific matter.
What are the two fundamental qualitative characteristics of the conceptual framework?
Relevance - predictive value, confirmatory value
Faithful representation - completeness, neutrality, freedom from error
What are the four enhancing qualitative characteristics of the conceptual framework?
Comparability - consistency of the use of accounting treatments in order to compare data between businesses or over time
Verifiability - direct verification (measuring i.e. counting cash), indirect verification (recalculating values in the financial statements)
Timeliness - made in time to influence user’s economic decisions
Understandability - improved when information is classified and presented clearly and concisely
Define “income”
Income is the increase in net assets
Gains arising on the disposal of a non-current asset
Gains arising on the revaluation of a long-term asset
Define “equity”
The residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all it’s liabilities
Equity = Assets - Liabilities
Equity usually consists of share capital, retained earnings and other reserves
Define “liability”
A PRESENT OBLIGATION of the entity arising from PAST EVENTS, the settlement of the liability is expected to result in an OUTFLOW FROM THE ENTITY’s resources of economic benefits
Define “asset”
A resource controlled by an entity as a result from PAST EVENTS and from which future economic benefits are expected to FLOW TO THE ENTITY