Internal Market Competence Flashcards
Art 114(1) TFEU (3)
Ordinary legislative procedure
May be used for any legal measure
Doesn’t allow creation of measures in the fields of fiscal provisions, free movement of persons or relating to rights and interest of employed persons
Art 115 TFEU (3)
Special legislative procedure; consultation with parliament and unanimity in council
Only allows creation of directives
No restrictions on use
Choice of legal basis
____ took a ____ interpretation of the scope of ____ ____ to ____ ____
CJEU took a broad interpretation of the scope of EU competence to harmonise laws
CJEU took a broad interpretation of the scope of EU competence to harmonise laws case
Titanium Dioxide (1991)
Titanium Dioxide (1991)
Held directive should be based on Art 114 alone
CJEU later moved to stricter interpretation case
Waste Directive (1993)
Waste Directive (1993)
Directive based on Art 192 TFEU
Tobacco Advertising (2000)
Directive based on Art 114 TFEU Art 168(5) allowed EU to pass measures to protect health but excluded harmonisation Art 114 couldn’t be used to evade Art 168(5) restrictions
Art 114 can be lawfully used as a legal basis when…(2)
Tobacco advertising
Measures eliminate obstacles to the exercise of free movement which are likely to arise from diverse national laws
Measures eliminate appreciable distortions of competition likely to result from such disparities
Likely obstacles to free movement of print media
Tobacco advertising
Art 114 valid here
Can’t rely on art 114 in case of obstacles which have only a remote effect on free movement (2)
Tobacco adveritising
No evidence of likely obstacles in connection with static advertising media
But the directive didn’t ensure free movement of products which complied with its provisions
The elimination of appreciable distortions of competition (3)
Tobacco advertising
No appreciable distortions as regards tobacco advertising
Ban on tobacco sponsorship in some MS and not others did lead to some appreciable distortion of competition in relation to sports events
But this didn’t justify an outright ban (proportionality)
Tobacco Advertising II (2006) (2)
Art 114 was valid legal basis to adopt Directive 2003/33/EC
Directive includes free movement clause to prevent obstacles to free movement and distortions of competition
BAT/ Imperial Tobacco (2002) (4)
EU passed Directive 2001/37/EC
Art 114 was valid legal basis as Directive contained free movement provision
Art 114 doesn’t provide exclusive competence to EU to regulate internal market - shared competence so S principle applies
Here, EU action more effective than MS so no breach of S
Swedish Match AB (2004) (2)
Directive 200/37/EC banned selling snus in UK
Where EU was aiming to prevent obstacles to trade under Art 114, appropriate measures could include “prohibiting the marketing of a product”