Internal Management- Constitution Flashcards
whats inside the constitution
rules that govern internal management of company
what is constitution formerly known as before 2014 amendment.
memorandum and articles of association
where are the requirements to the constitution set out
company limited by guarantee which part of statue
company limited by guarantee
• If company is wound up when member is still a member or company is wound up within one year after he ceases to be a member, each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the company (up to the specified amount agreed):
o For payment of debts and liabilities before ceasing to be a member
o For costs, charges and expenses of winding up
o For adjustment of rights of the contributories
Where are Restrictions on the company’s capacity, rights, powers and prvileges found
constitution. S 23(1B)
where are The company’s objects found.
constitution. s23(1A)
where must the memorandum be lodged
Registry of Companies - s19(1)
what does object clause contain
businesses that company can undertake.
why is the ultra vires doctrine no longer relevant in sg?
s23, 25, 25A.
where is the regulations for the internal governance of companies contained? which statue says must.
constitution. s35(1) says internal regulations must be inside.
what is the purpose of the constitution/M&A.
STATUTORY CONTRACT. between inter se, members and company.
How can the statutory contract embodied in constitution be changed?
by majority vote, by passing a special resolution at a general meeting. 26(1), 33(1), 37(1)
which section allows you to entrench a clause in the constitution? what is the effect of this?
s26A. clause cannot be altered. or resolution for alteration must be passed by a larger majority than required for special resolution.
what happens if an amendment to the constitution discriminates against a member?
member can apply for remedy under s216
How do you become a member?
must have your name entered in the company’s register of members 19(6).
How do you become a member of a company limited by guarantee?
check the constitution its prescribed there
How do you become a member of a company with shares?
ACQURING SHARES + REGISTERING YOURSELF as holder. you’ll need the Sh to submit and instrument of transfer to the company s126(1), 130(1). Person who presents transfer form for registration warrants that it is genuine.
what must the person who presents transfer form guarantee?
The person who presents a transfer for registration impliedly warrants that it is genuine and impliedly undertakes to INDEMNIFY the company against any loss that it may suffer by reason of registration (STANLEY YEUNG)
For private companies, when will the transfer be effective?
- when the private company lodges notice of the transfer with the Registrar
*Note: Companies (Amendment) Act 2014
s126(2) -Where there has been a transfer of shares, a private company shall lodge with the Registrar notice of that transfer of shares in the prescribed form. - when the electronic register of members maintained by ACRA is updated. s126(3) Companies (Amendment) Act 2014
Transfer of shares in SGX listed coys
Shares are immobilised by having them registered in the name of the Central Depository (CDP)
- CDP maintains a register of depositors.
- DEPOSITORS treated as though they are members of the company