Internal haemorrhoids Flashcards
Classification of haemorrhoids
Internal haemorrhoids, causes
Haemorrhoids or piles are;
- common
- tend to develop between the ages of 20 and 50.
The commonest cause is;
- chronic constipation related to a lack of dietary fibre.
Based on three procedures:
- injection
- cryotherapy
- sphincterotomy.
Surgery is generally reserved for large strangulated piles.
The best treatment, however, is prevention, and softish bulky faeces that pass easily prevent haemorrhoids.
Strangulated haemorrhoids
A marked oedematous circumferential swelling will appear if all the haemorrhoids are involved
If only one haemorrhoid is strangulated, proctoscopy will help to distinguish it from a perianal haematoma.
Initial treatment is with rest and ice packs prior to haemorrhoidectomy at the earliest possible time.
Relatively urgent referral is recommended.