Internal, external, construct and statistical conclusion validities Flashcards
Validity (general idea)
- can i trust the results of the study?
- extent to which an effect demonstrated in research is genuine (not affected / produced by other variables)
Four types of validity
- inte_nal
- ex_ernal
- constr_ct
- s_atistical conc_usion
Internal (causality): is the observed change in a DV caused by a corresponding change in hypothesized IV and not by extraneous variables
=> the study’s desin
External: the generalizability => can we apply results from sample to population (population validity) or to other ppl, contexts, time (ecological validity)
Construct: how well a given measurement scale measures the theoretical construct
Statistical conclusion: extent to which conclusions derived using a statistical procedure is valid
What are plausible threats to internal validity?
Participants’ growth and maturation (history, maturation)
Measurement process (instrumentation)
Sampling design (selection)
Statistical analyses (estimation bias)
What occurs with single method and single informant bias?
1) single method => threats to construct validity
2) may bring in shared method / informant VARIANCE which is a threat to internal validity
What is the trade off bet. Int. validity and Ext. validity?
Which one are psychologists most interested in?
- IV increased in lab experiment but decreases in EV
- prefer establishing an association, so IV