Internal Control Flashcards
Components of internal control
- Control Enviro
- Risk assessment
- Control activities
- Info + communication
- Monitoring activities
what is internal control?
the organisational plan and all related measures that an entity adopts in order to:
- safeguard the assets the business uses in its operations, - encourage adherence to business policies,
- promote operational efficiency and
- ensure accurate and reliable accounting records
effective internal controls- characteristics
- competent, reliable & ethical personnel
- assignment of responsibilities,
- proper authorisation
- separation of duties
how can duties be separated? 1.
- separation of operations from accounting (accounts not sales personnel should keep inventory records)
how can duties be separated? 2.
- Separation of the custody of the assets from accounting (reduces temptation & fraud if accountants don’t actually handle the cash & if cashiers don’t have access to accounting records, warehouse employees with no accounting duties should handle inventory)
what would happen if a warehouse employee was able to handle inventory as well as account for inventory?
they could steal it & write if off as obselete
how can duties be separated? 3.
- Separation of the authorisation of transactions from the custody of related assets (where possible the persons who authorise transactions shouldn’t handle the related asset)
why do we need Separation of the authorisation of transactions from the custody of related assets?
Because the person could authorise payments to themselves & then sign the cheques, by separating these duties only legitimate bills are paid
how can duties be separated? 4.
- Separation of duties within the accounting function (different people should perform the various phases of accounting to minimise errors & opportunities for fraud_
How can duties within the accounting function be separated?
have different accountants responsible for recording cash receipts and cash payments.
The employee who processes accounts payable and cheque requests should have nothing to do with the approval process
How can internal control be implemented (a-c)
a) have clear job descriptions
b) have procedural manual
c) appropriate authorisation process
How can internal control be implemented (d-f)
d) use comparative financial statements
e) have clear guidelines about personal use of assets
f) train staff appropriately, get their feedback
How can internal control be implemented (g-i)
g) require 2 signatures on payments for above a specified amount
h) keep detailed records of assets - limit access to records
i) use firewalls & change pw frequently
Internal control & E-Commerce - how are new risks created?
it creates new risks. Buying & selling over internet can give hackers access to confidential info unavailable in face to face transactions.
What are the problems created for internal control by e-commerce ?
1) stolen credit card nos
2) computer viruses, trojan horses
3) impersonation of companies