Intermediates-2023 Flashcards
Written Exam for 2023
Which stomach compartment is closest to the heart?
What is the name of the person who practices medical and surgical treatment of animals?
What type of milking parlor do the cows situate next to each other at a 90-degree angle to the milker?
How many animals are in a class in a 4-H dairy judging contest?
If an embryo contains an ‘X’ and ‘Y’ chromosome, what sex will the calf be?
- X/Y = Male
- XX = Female
What does the acronym PDCA stand for?
Purebred Dairy Cattle Association
What is a sterile heifer that is born co-twin to a bull called?
What is the country that buys the most dairy products from the United States?
True of False: Animal well-being is a condition in which animals experience good health, are able to effectively cope with their environment and are able to express a diversity of species typical behaviors.
What is the animal called that receives a fertilized ovum from a donor?
What is the structure through which the fetus receives all of its nutrients?
What instrument is used to give an animal a pill?
Balling Gun
What hormone is responsible for the male sex drive?
Tre or False: The term “Rancid” describes cheese that is cured for over six months to give it a sharp flavor and firm texture.
“Aged” is the term used to describe cheese that is cured for over 6 months to give it a sharp flavor and firm texture.
What is the large storage tank for cooling and storing milk at a cold temperature until it is transported to a processing plant?
Bulk Tank
What dairy product is made by adding a special bacterial culture to light cream?
Sour Cream
What is administration of **medicine in the mouth or in drinking water **called?
True or False: Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C are fat-soluble vitamins.
The fat soluble vitamins are:
* A
* D
* E
* K
How long should the pre-dip be left on the teat before it is wiped off?
20-30 Seconds
What is the person called that believes an animal’s life has the same value as human life and has the goal of eliminating all systems that involve the use of animals by humans?
Animal Rights Activist
If a farmer said he was feeding 16% dairy fed, what is he referring to?
Crude Protein amount
Name one of the two viruses that cause scours in calves.
- Rotavirus
- Coronavirus
Where is the National Dairy Shrine Museum located?
Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
What is the basic unit of inheritance?
True or False: A pathogen is a term that describes any microorganism that causes disease.
Name the major dairy cattle breed that has no documented undesirable genetic recessive traits?
Who received the first patent for condensed milk?
Gail Borden
What is a fatal brain disease of cattle caused by a prion, which affects the brain and spinal cord.
Any of these three (they are all the same thing):
* Mad Cow Disease
* Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
True or False: Bacteria causes BVD, IBR, PI-3, and Warts?
BVD, IBR, PI-3, and Warts are caused by viruses.
How many gallons of water does a cow drink each day?
30-50 Gallons
Where did the Jersey originate?
Either of these are acceptable:
* Jersey Isle
* Isle of Jersey
What is another term for eructation?
These mean the same thing so either is correct:
* Belching
* Burping
How many teeth does a mature cow have?
True or False: When tying your dairy project animal you use a quick release slipknot.
What is the standard length of a DHIA record?
305 Days
DHIA = Dairy Herd Improvement Association
What type of clippers do you use when clipping your cows ears, tail, and to fine-tune the topline?
Small Clippers
True or False: There are 0 grams of fat in fat free milk.
What stomach compartment is known as the “Fermentation Vat”?
What grade of milk is produced under sanitary conditions that qualify it for fluid consumption?
Grade A
True or False: MyPlate is the USDA illustration of the five food groups in a place setting.
What side of the cow do most displaced abomasum’s occur?
True or False: Prescription drugs are drugs that can only be used under the direction of a veterinarian?
What is the condition called when there is an accumulation of ketones in the body?
True or False: On an NAAB code for a sire, if you see the letters 7JE1038, the ‘7’ stands for the stud company.
NAAB = National Association of Animal Breeders
What are spherical clusters of secretory cells in the mammary gland that are arranged in grapelike structures?
Which breed makes up about 90% of the US dairy cow population?
True or False: An intramuscular injection is administration of medicine by injecting it into a blood vein.
- Intramuscular injection goes into muscle tissue.
- Intravenous injection goes into a blood vein.
How many calories are in reduced fat milk?
What vitamin helps with vision and maintains epithelial cells?
Vitamin A
Most cleaning chemicals exert the most power around what temperature in milking equipment?
160 degrees F