Intermediate Practice Pack #6 Flashcards
Which great baseball superstar of the early 20th century was nicknamed “the Georgia Peach?”
Ty Cobb
A number divided by seven and then increased by four gives ten. What is the number?
Name Walt Disney’s first full-length colour cartoon talking picture.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What is the difference between eight squared and three cubed?
Who was the Confederate Commander at the Battle of Gettysburg?
Robert E. Lee
What former general-in-chief of the federal armies was elected president after the U.S. Civil War?
Ulysses S. Grant
At what historical site did Robert E. Lee surrender the Army of Northern Virginia, effectively ending the U.S. Civil War?
Appomattox Courthouse
Also meaning a rare occurrence, what can appear in the night sky due to certain atmospheric conditions like volcanic eruption or fire?
blue moon
What holiday melody was made famous by Bing Crosby in 1942?
White Christmas
Captain Nemo might find the Beatles riding what vehicle, the title of a film and soundtrack album?
Yellow Submarine
Illegal sales of goods and services are grouped under what term?
black market
Name the handsome youth of Greek myth, son of King Cinyras of Cyprus, and beloved by the goddess Aphrodite.
Adonis received a mortal wound from what type of wilk animal?
Who restored Adonis to life on the condition he would spend six months with her and the rest of the year with Aphrodite?
Persephone (or Proserpina or Kore)
In which John Milton epic poem was the “Garden of Adonis” referred to?
Paradise Lost
The word “goodbye” is a contraction of four one-syllable words. What are they?
God Be With You (or Ye)
In which province would I find Algonquin Provincial Park?
In which province would I find Spruce Woods Provincial Park?
In which province would I find Cabots Landing Provincial Park?
Nova Scotia
In which province would I find Tweedsmuir South Provincial Park?
British Columbia
In which province would I find Mount Carleton Provincial Park?
New Brunswick
In which province would I find Lac La Ronge Provincial Park?
In which province would I find Killbear Provincial Park?
In which province would I find Cabot Beach Provincial Park?
Prince Edward Island
What NFL coach led the Patriots through an undefeated season, only to lose to the Giants in Super Bowl 42?
Bill Belichick
Which early premier of Alberta was known as “Bible Bill?”
William (Bill) Aberhart
What television personality purported to “save the world” according to the title of his 2017 Netflix series?
Bill Nye (the Science Guy)
A cygnet is the young of what bird?
Porcelain was first made in which country?
Jacques Cousteau’s ship was named after what Caribbean music genre?
Sugar Loaf Mountain sits on a peninsula at the mouth of Guanabara Bay in what major world city?
Rio (de Janeiro)
In the Bible what will be the site of the world’s final battle between the forces of good and evil?
Armageddon (or Megiddo)
Which figure of speech is often defined as “exaggeration not meant to be taken literally?”
Which southern borough of Montreal includes Nuns’ Island?
What five-letter word can mean “a current amount” as a noun and “correspond with” or “calculate the total” as a verb?
You may know me best from the field of literature, but I was also a teacher and political scientist. Born in 1869 in England, I came to Canada when I was six. I was first eduated at home but later went on to a formal education that led to a degree in Economics and a teaching position at McGill. My humourous anecdotes made me an in-demand speaker, and I later published these stories in a “sunny” collection. A medal for humour, bearing my name, is presented to deserving Canadian writers. Who am I?
Stephen Leacock
Which Canadian aircraft company ceased operation in 1962 following the cancellation of the CF-105 Arrow program?
Avro (Canada)
Which Blue Jays superstar pitcher died in 2017 when his ICON A5 crashed into the Gulf of Mexico?
Roy (Doc) Halladay
In North America, the FAA words with the Civil Aviation Directorate of what Canadian ministry to create rules for aircraft?
(Ministry of) Transport (Canada)
What is the Latin for “water?”
What astrological sign is also referred to as “The Water Bearer?”
Mix three parts hydrochloric acid with one part nitric acid to make what highly corrosive liquid?
aqua regia
It’s the trademark of a certain king of underwater breathing apparatus, and a 1971 prog rock album?
What is the super hero name of Steve Rogers?
Captain America
What is the super hero name of Oliver Queen?
(The) Green Arrow
What is the super hero name of Kathy Kane?
What is the super hero name of Diana Prince?
Wonder Woman
With movements entitled “Mars,” “Jupiter,” and “Mercury,” who composed the symphony called “The Planets?”
Gustav Holst
Who was the first man to conduct a spacewalk?
Alexei Leonov
What heavy material, associated especially by campers and artists, was historically made from hemp?
Before becoming one of the James Bond actors, who was the first Simon Templar in the television series “The Saint?”
Roger Moore
Created by MLB Rule 5.11, the player in what role bats for the pitcher but doesn’t field?
Designated Hitter
Which noted Indian pacifist in India was assassinated in 1948?
Mahatma (or Mohandas) Gandhi
In physics, what is the term for a device consisting of two dissimilar conductors and an electrolyte that converts chemical to electrical energy?
What is a Native American wampum bead usually made of?
What was the highest political office held by Lester Pearson and John Diefenbaker?
Prime Minister (of Canada)
Who was prime minister during World War II?
(William Lyon) Mackenzie King
Who was the first French-Canadian prime minister?
(Sir Wilfrid) Laurier
Who was the 20th Prime Minister of Canada, disregarding non-consecutive terms?
Jean Chretien
Give the common name of the chemical NaOH.
Give the common name of the chemical HCl.
hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid (or muriatic acid)
Give the common name of the chemical CO.
carbon monoxide
Give the common name of the chemical Au.
I am a form of urgent transportation. My name comes from French and became common in English during the Crimean War. You might refer to an unscrupulous lawyer as a chaser of me. I usually take my passengers to a hospital or other medical centre. What am I?
In which country did Rudolph Diesel invent his namesake engine?
What was inventor Thomas A. Edison’s middle name?
In mythology, who was the Roman equivalent of Athena?
What Greek fighting formation shares its name with a bone of the fingers or toes?
In Roman tradition, who was the twin brother of Romulus?
The Trojan hero Aeneas supposedly met what queen of Carthage, who fell in love with him?
In what modern country was David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, born?
In which present-day South American country did the Inca people once flourish?
What is the name of the land in Middle Earth where the Hobbits lived?
The Shire
What is the normal term for a female peafowl?
The International Astronomical Union recognizes 88 of what groups of stars?
Franz Joseph Haydn wrote a mass dedicated to the hero of the Battle of Trafalgar. What was his name?
(Horatio) Lord Nelson
What term for a campaigner for women’s votes first appeared in 1906?
Friar Tuck was one of Robin Hood’s companions as they adventured in what Nottinghamshire forest?
Which river forms the boundary between France and Germany?
Who was British Prime Minister at the start of World War II?
Neville Chamberlain
Eat your oranges and grapefruits to get what vitamin that staves off scurvy?
vitamin C
What is the dominant language of Chile?
Which rapper, born Nayvadius Wilburn, released the album “HNDRXX” (pronounced “Hendrix”) in 2017?
Who discovered the process of vaccination for the prevention of smallpox?
Edward Jenner