Intermediate Exercise Flashcards
Hundred Block (Abdominal Work)
Set-up: Lying supine, legs in tabletop position, arms overhead. Exhale lifting arms, head and chest, bring arms to sides of body parallel to mat, straighten legs (to appropriate height for each individual)
Movement: arms pump up and down exhale - five pumps inhale - five pumps continue for 10 breath cycles, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal strength
Trunk Stabliziation
Use deep, long breaths
keep pumps of arms small
avoid hyperlordosis, neck tension and bulging abdominals
Double Leg Stretch
Block (Abdominal Work)
Set-up: Lying supine, hands on knees, shins parallel to mat. exhale lifting head and chest. Arms arms aligned with ears
inhale - reach arms overhead and straighten legs forward
exhale - circle arms around, draw legs in simultaneously, keeping head and chest lifted throughout
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal strength
Trunk Stabilization
Cues: Keep head aligned with spine Reach arms as far back as possible maintain a stable position of pelvis, truck and head throughout Spine is imprinted continue to look at same place forward
Single Leg Stretch
Block (Abdominal Work)
Lying supine, head and chest lifted, knees bent, one hand on each knee
Movement: exhale - straighten one leg, hands on bent knee inhale - switch legs exhale - straighten other leg inhale - switch legs transfer hands to bent knee each time
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal strength
Trunk stabilization
Cues: Maintain stable position of body keep feet at same height throughout keep shin on bent leg parallel to mat reach one leg out and switch
Criss Cross
Block (Abdominal Work)
Set-up: Lying supine, head and chest lifted, knees bent, fingers interlaced behind head
Exhale - rotate toward bent knee, other leg straightens
inhale - cross through center and change legs
exhale - rotate to other side
inhale - cross through center and change legs
Muscle Focus:
abdominals with oblique emphasis
abdominals with oblique emphasis
trunk stabilization
Keep elbows wide
Rotate Through waist, avoiding lateral flexion
maintain same leg movement pattern as Single Leg stretch
Reach rib to opposite knee
do not lead with head
Block (Lateral Flexion/Rotation)
Set-up: Sitting upright, legs straight, fee dorsi flexed shoulder width apart, toes toward ceiling, arms in T position
inhale - rotate trunk
exhale - reach forward as back arm internally rotates, front hand reaches past outside of foot
inhale - extend spine, come up to longitudinal axis
exhale - return to starting position
Alternate sides
Muscle Focus:
Hamstring stretch
Back Extensor control
Abdominal oblique control
Rotate around longituduinal axis
Keep head facing leg when reach forward
Spine Twist
Block (Lateral Flexion/Rotation)
Set up: Sitting upright, legs straight and together, feet dorsi flexed, toes toward ceiling, arms in T position, palms facing up
exhale - rotate trunk to one side (2 pulses)
inhale - return to starting position
alternate sides
Muscle Focus:
Abdominal obliques
Trunk mobility
Back extensors control
abdominal oblique control
keep pelvis and legs still throughout
move head and arms together with trunk
initiate movement from waist and not shoulders
Block (Lateral Flexion/Rotation)
Set up: Lying supine, arms at sides or in T position, legs perpendicular to mat
inhale - shift both legs to one side
exhale - circle legs down and around to opposite side, return to starting position
alternate direction
Muscle Focus:
Hip flexor control
Abdominal strength
Keep feet together and aligned
Initiate movement from waist
bend knees if there is excessive strain on lower back and/or hip flexors
Single Leg Kick
Block (Back Extension)
Set-up: Lying prone, fingers interlaced, elbows under shoulders, chest lifted, back extended, abdominals engaged, legs straight and lifted off mat
Exhale - bend one leg (2 pulses) , switch, repeat with opposite leg
inhale - bend one leg (2 pulses), switch, repeat with opposite leg
Muscle Focus:
Hamstring stretch
Upper Back Extensor strength
Cues: Maintain scapular depression Keep both legs off mat throughout keep pubic symphysis lifting upward zip up abdominals tuck pelvis and extend spine
Cat Stretch
Block (Back Extension)
Set-up: Kneeling in a quadruped position, neutral spine, hands under shoulders, knees under hips
Exhale - round spine (flexion), return to neutral spine position
inhale - extend spine, return to neutral spine position
Muscle Focus:
Mid/upper back extensors
Abdominal control
Back Extensor strength
Lumbar spine stretch
Cues: Focus flexion in lumbar spine Focus extension in thoracic spine Maintain scapular depression throughout Initiate with lumbar region
Front Support
Block (Bridging)
Set-up: Kneeling in a quadruped position, hands under shoulders, knees under hips, extend one leg then other leg into Front Support position.
Exhale: bend one leg, kneel lightly
inhale - return to Front Support position
exhale - bend opposite leg, kneel lightly
inhale - return to Front Support position
complete by returning to quadruped position
Muscle Focus:
Scapular stabilizers
Trunk stabilization
Scapular stabilization
Avoid hyperlordosis
Maintain scapular stabilization throughout
Keep body in a straight line from head to toes
only take knee in as far as pelvis does not lift
keep neck lifted
Back Support
Block (Bridging)
Set-up: Sitting, arms extended with fingertips facing feet, legs straight out in front
Exhale - lift pelvis off mat, body in straight line
Inhale - lower pelvis, without touching mat
Muscle Focus:
Shoulder extensors
Hip extensors
Trunk stabilization
shoulder extensor strength
Hip extensor strength
Cues: Avoid Flaring hips Hinge at hip joint when lowering pelvis Face fingers out to sides or make a fist if wrists hurt long line back is working shoulders are working
Seal Puppy
Block (Spinal Articulation)
Set-up: Sitting in a balanced position with body in a ball shape, legs bent, arms wrapped under legs, palms on top of feet
Inhale - roll back, clap feet three times
exhale - roll up, returning to starting position, clap feet together three times
Muscle focus:
Trunk stabilization and control
hip joint stretch
Focus eyes forward
Keep shoulders relaxed
Maintain a consistent curve of spine
Hamstring Pull 1
Block (Abdominal Work)
Set-up: Lying supine, head and chest lifted, legs together perpendicular to mat, hands behind calves
exhale - reach one leg to mat, reach other leg toward chest holding calf, two pulses
inhale - switch legs
Muscle Focus:
Pelvic lumbar stabilization
abdominal strength
hamstring stretch
Avoid pulling on leg
Maintain stability of trunk and pelvis as legs change
Anchor bottom leg on mat and keep stable (no pulses)
in, in, deeper
Roll Over
Block (Spinal Articulation)
Set up: Lying supine, arms by sides of body, legs straight on a diagonal line
inhale - lift legs to perpendicular
exhale - roll over, end with legs parallel to mat
inhale - dorsi flex feet, seperate legs, lower feet to mat
exhale - roll down to pelvis, circle legs bringing them together to , return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Spinal articulation
lower back stretch
hamstring stretch
avoid using momentum to roll over
maintain 90 degree angle in hip joints during roll over
maintain spinal flexion when rolling over and back down
Scoop up and over
Open Leg Rocker
Block (Spinal Articulation)
Set-up: Sitting in a balanced position, one hand on each leg (close to ankles), legs shoulder width apart, back is straight
inhale - round spine, roll back
exhale - roll up, extend spine, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Trunk stabilization
Back extensor strength
Spinal articulation
Keep arms straight throughout
Initiate roll back with flexion of lumbar spine
Utilize back extension to complete movement
Articulate into extension
Modify to bent knees hold thighs
Shoulder Bridge Prep
Block (Bridging)
Set-up: Start in up phase of pelvic curl
exhale - lift one leg, foot plantar flexed, maintaining consistent angle of knee
inhale - lower leg, touching mat with toes
10x each side
Muscle Focus:
Hamstring strength
pelvic lumbar stabilization
hip disassociation
Cues: Avoid splaying legs keep 90 degree angle in knee consistent Maintain hip extension with supporting leg adduct both legs
Side Kick
Block (Lateral Flexion/Rotation)
Set-up: Lying on side, leaning on elbow, hands behind head, trunk lifted, both legs straight and aligned with body, top leg slightly above hip height
exhale - swing top leg forward, two pulses, dorsi flexing foot
inhale - swing top leg back, two pulses, plantar flexing foot
Muscle Focus:
Back Extensors
Trunk stabilization
Hip Flexor control and stretch
Hip extensor control and stretch
Maintain neutral pelvis
do not sink into shoulder
push and lift further
Double Leg Kick
Block (Back Extension)
Set-up: Lying prone, legs straight and together, fingers interlaced behind back, arms relaxed, cheek resting on mat, palms up
Exhale - bend both legs together, three pulses
inhale - extend back, bring head to center, straightening arms and legs, followed by lowering body, resting opposite cheek on mat
Muscle Focus:
Back extensors
Hamstring control
Scapular stabilization
back extensor strength
Alternate sides with head in down phase
reach elbows to mat during phase
keep knees lifted slightly off mat throughout
Block (Back Extension)
Set-up: Lying prone, arms reaching forward, chest lifted, arms and legs off mat
Inhale - Alternate lifting right arm and left leg, left arm and right leg (five changes)
Exhale - alternate lifting left arm and right leg, right arm and left leg (five changes)
Muscle Focus:
Back extensors
Trunk stabilization
Shoulder flexor control
Hip extensor control
Avoid shoulder elevation
maintain trunk stabilization
focus on cross-pattern coordination
Rocking Prep
Block (Back Extension)
Set-up: Lying Prone, knees bent, thighs lifted off mat, holding feet or ankles, walk knee together
inhale - lift head, trunk and legs toward ceiling
exhale - lower body down, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Back extensors
Hip flexor stretch
Hip extensor control
Hip extensor strength
Reach feet toward the ceiling
keep head aligned with spine
extend back and stretch chest simultaneously
Leg Pull Front
Block (Bridging)
Set-up: Start in Front Support position, one leg lifted slightly off mat, foot plantar flexed
exhale - lift leg higher, extending hip
inhale - lower leg, touch mat lightly
change leg after 5 repetitions
Muscle Focus:
Hip extensors
Hip extensor control
upper body strength
scapular stabilization
Cues: Maintain scapular stabilization Maintain plantar flexion with foot Maintain a plank position with body keep pelvis in a neutral position or in a slight posterior tilt back is still
Leg Pull Back
Block (Bridging)
Set-up: Starting in a Back Support Position
Exhale - lift leg toward ceiling
Inhale - lower leg, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Hip extensors
Shoulder extensors
Trunk stabilization
Hip extensor strength
Shoulder extensor strength
Cues: Keep back extensors engaged keep head aligned with spine Hinge at hip joint when lifting and lowering leg Watch for external rotation Plantar flexed foot
Teaser Prep
Block (Abdominal Work)
Set-up: Sitting upright, arms reaching forward in line with shoulders, knees bent, legs lifted, shins parallel to floor
exhale - roll down
inhale - roll up, return to starting position
Muscle Focus:
Back extensors
Abdominal strength
Back extensor strength
Preparation for Teaser 1, 2, 3
Utilize back extensors to complete movement
Articulate through spine when rolling down and up
Initiate roll down and roll up with deep lumber flexion
grab on with your abs and come back up