Interim Restorations for Teeth Undergoing Endo Therapy Flashcards
Endo tx aim?
Eliminate bac from the tooth
Tooth maintained in disinfected state by preventing any further ingress of bac during and after tx
Steps to successful endo?
- Diagnose and remove the cause of disease
- Use an antiseptic technique
- Mechanically instrument the canals to enlarge them
- Irrigate the canals with one or more antibac soln
- Medicate the canals with an antibac agent
- Temporarily restore the tooth to avoid bac ingress during and after tx
- Fill the root canal system once disinfected
- Restore the tooth to normal function
What can occur if you do not follow these steps?
Risk the potential for:
- Bac already in the tooth to survive and proliferate
- New organisms to enter the tooth and establish colonies
= Continuation of apical periodontitis or the development of a new apical periodontitis lesion
Define interim restoration
A restoration which has been placed in the tooth after the previous restoration, caries, cracks etc have been removed at the commencement of endo tx
This restoration will remain in place whilst the endo tx is being performed and after the RC filling is complete until the definitive coronal restoration is placed
Define temporary restoration
Restoration placed in an endo access cavity
Likely to have been cut through an interim restoration in most cases
What are the most common pathways of bac entry?
Exposed dentine
Broken down restoration margins
When should endo tx never be performed?
Through a failing or poor quality restoration
Or through a temporary restoration
What advantages does an interim restoration prior to endo tx provide?
Structural integrity of tooth
Support for weakened cusps
Coronal seal
Rubber dam will be easy to apply, with appropriate structure for the clamp to grip
No ideal access cavity can be cut
No risk of leakage through the coronal restoration when using irrigants
A temp restoration will be retained better
A well restored tooth will be more comfortable and functional for pt
When may an interim restoration not be required?
If the tooth is unrestored or has only a small intracoronal restoration (not compromised) (large or medium restorations should be replaced)
List the appropriate materials for interim restorations
What materials are NOT suitable for interim restorations?
What may be needed for large restorations or cracked teeth?
Support by metal bands
- An ortho bad
- Copper rings
Reduce occlusal surface and rebuild the tooth using composite or amalgam (RMGIC not suitable)
What will a metal band provide?
Support of weakened tooth structure, esp cusps
Prevent progression of cracks
What principles should be applied when using a metal band?
Ensure band is correct size for tooth
GIC or RMGIC should be used when luting the band
Provide good margins = good hygiene
Ensure restoration harmonises with the occlusion
How to manage teeth with full coverage crowns? Why?
Removed prior to endo tx
Allows assessment of underlying tooth structure
Identification of hidden pathology
Better orientation when undertaking endo tx
Better coronal seal