Interesting Phrases Flashcards
tarde o temprano
sooner or later
a espaldas de
behind his/her/their back
saber a ciencia cierta
to know for certain
estar en posesión de sus sentidos
to be in possession of one’s senses
de no haber sido por…
if it hadn’t been for…
dar la vuelta de campana
to flip over, to turn upside down
sentirse con fuerzas para…
to feel up for…
correr el riesgo (de)
to run the risk (of)
hacer partícipe
to make (someone) a participant (in)
de cabo a rabo
from beginning to end
la flor y nata
créme de la créme
en su haber
to his credit
hasta la sepultura
to the grave
meter la pata
to make a blunder
sin parangón / no tiene parangón
beyond compare
sin tregua
without rest
no tener más remedio que
to have no choice but (to)
despuntar el alba
to dawn (intransitive)
de poca monta
of little importance
atragantarse (el cerebelo)
to lose one’s train of thought
albergar la esperanza
to entertain the hope
al mejor postor
to the highest bidder
si no es mucho preguntar
if it’s not too much to ask
tener pinta de
to have the appearance of
tener la mano rota en/para
to have experience in, to be an old hand at, to be no stranger to, for something to be second nature