Interest in Real Property Flashcards
What are the bundle of rights?
a. Possession
b. Lease/Sell
c. Use and enjoyment
c. Mortgage
e. Exclude others
f. Control
Freehold Estate
Ownership is implied vs possessionary
Fee Simple Absolute
Ownership without conditions
Highest and most common form
Fee Simple Defeasible
Ownership with conditions
“gift property to city as long as not made into a park”
Life Estate
a. Measured by the lifetime of the new owner;
b. Pur autre vie - Limited to the life of the tenant;
c. Reversion - Upon death property reverts back to Grantor/Owner; or
d. Remainderman - to a 3rd party
property rights given to other spouse in the event of spouse’s death - Dower to Wife; Curtesy to Husband.
Not lawful in Michigan
Leasehold Estate
Implies Possessory rights (hence lease)
Estate for Years
Fixed Period - eg 1-year lease
Estate from period to period
Self-renewing (Month to month) lease
Tenancy at Will
Will of the parties - No Contract (eg. Hotel stay)
Tenancy at Sufferance
Tenant fails to vacate after expiration of lease (eg holding over)
Gross Lease
Rent, only
Net Lease
Set amount, expenses not factored in rent
Percentage Lease
Percentage of Sales
Ground Lease
Lease land for 50 or 99 years
Variable Lease
Rents increases are factored in after 3-years