interceptive ortho Flashcards
any procedure aimed at reducing or eliminating the severity of a developing malocclusion
mostly mixed dentition
natal teeth
teeth already erupted/erupt within first months
roots often poorly formed - mobile
may need removal if inhalation risk/feeding problems
what supernumeraries do you tend to get in the primary dentition?
teeth of abnormal morphology in the primary dentition
double teeth - fusion/gemination
often don’t extract if not causing problems and exfoliates
what skeletal class are patients often in the primary dentition and why?
class 2 initially as get later growth of mandible
hypodontia in the primary dentition
usually if missing primary tooth won’t get permanent
what might need intercepting?
crossbites digit sucking habits supernumerary teeth midline diastema increased OJ reverse OJ increased OB early loss of deciduous teeth developing crowding poor prognosis FPMs impacted FPMs infraoccluded teeth hypodontia delayed eruption
anterior cross bite definition
abnormal relationship between opposing teeth in a bucco-palatal or labiopalatal direction
anterior cross bite possible problems
tooth wear
gingival recession
displacement on closure
anterior cross bite favourable features for correction with a URA
tooth in X-bite palatally tipped
good OB - aids stability
adequate space to move forward
management of an anterior cross bite
URA - FPBP and z-spring. often have retention posteriorly so don’t interfere anteriorly
2x4 appliance - tend to use fixed if >1 tooth to move in CB. brackets on incisors and 6s
reasons for early correction of a posterior crossbite
displacement on closure tooth wear facial asymmetry teeth may erupt in "displaced" ICP position TMJ problems?
what is a scissor bite?
if one tooth completely misses the other in CB - common in skeletal C2 in premolars
management of posterior CB
maxillary expansion
URA - tipping teeth, high relapse potential, turn screw x2 per week
quad helix - turn to activate buccal arms, shorten or get rid to get differential expansion
RME - tend to use if skeletal problem of narrow maxilla. corrects transverse skeletal issue. teeth don’t move. turn screw x2 a day. hold it for a while to allow bony deposition
reasons for treating an increased overjet in the mixed deniition
increased trauma risk - fct?
poor aesthetics - psychosocial problems, teasing at school etc
aetiology of increased OJ
skeletal - usually C2, mandibular deficiency most common
soft tissue - L lip trap, hyperactive L lip
dental - U incisor proclination, lingual displacement of L incisors, ? digit habit
management of increased OJ in a growing pt
simple retraction of U incisors (URA)
attempt growth modification
growth modification options for increased OJ
EO traction - uses the back of the head for anchorage
myofunctional appliances - harness forces generated by the facial and masticatory musculature
pt selection for growth modification for increased OJ
growing pt pt concerns pt motivation dental health risk large dentoalveolar contribution to aetiology absence of significant crowding increased OB
functional appliances for increased OJ
tooth borne - activator (andreason) - twin block soft tissue borne - myofunctional regulator (Frankel)
therapeutic effect of fct appliances for increased OJ
? enhance mandibular growth - weak evidence from studies
? restrain maxillary growth
remodel glenoid fossae
retrocline maxillary incisors and distalise molars
procline mandibular incisors and mesialise molars
reverse OJ problems
displacement on closure
incisal edge wear
difficulty eating
speech problems?
aetiology of reverse OJ
skeletal - class 3 jaw discrepancy, hypoplastic maxilla, prognathic mandible
- mandibular displacement
- retained upper deciduous incisors
key factors in planning tx of a reverse OJ
pt concerns expected future growth severity of skeletal pattern ability to achieve E to E? degree of incisor compensation degree of crowding/spacing OB
management of reverse OJ
simple proclination of U incisors (URA) attempt growth modification - chin strap/cup - fct appliances e.g. reverse twin block - protraction headgear
how does protraction headgear work?
alter force exerted by lips and cheeks
disengage occlusion
facemask pulls directly on maxillary appliance and pushes on L incisors
potential problems with a deep OB
palatal ulceration
gingival stripping
management of a deep OB
will allow L molars to erupt
pt must be growing to accommodate the increase in vertical dimension
? convert to class 2 div 1 and twin block
posterior teeth erupt much better in a growing pt
problems associated with a digit sucking habit
AOB or reduced OB
proclined U incisors (increased OJ)
retroclined L incisors
posterior CB