Interactive Tutorial: Paediatric Urology Flashcards
Paediatric Urology
- Problems of genitalia + urinary tract in children
- Diagnosed by antenatal USG / UTI after birth
1. UTI
- Penile disorders
- Phimosis
- Hypospadias
- Chordee
- Buried penis - Scrotal pathology
- Undescended testes
- Torsion
- Varicocele - Vesicoureteral reflux
- Urinary obstruction
- Posterior urethral valve (PUV) - Bladder function condition
- Neurogenic bladder
- Other voiding dysfunction problems - Congenital anomalies
- Hydronephrosis
- Duplex kidneys
- Cystic kidney disease - Stone disease
- Paediatric oncology
- GU trauma
- Disorders of sex development
- ***Age
- ***Presenting complaint
- History
- Medications + allergy
- Past medical history
- Antenatal USG - Elimination / Voiding history
- Voiding frequency
- Holding maneuvers (may suggest neurogenic bladder)
- Incontinence (day + night)
- Bowel movements (hard stool / constipation put more pressure on bladder)
- Fluid intake (type + volume) - Family history
- Recurrent UTI
- Nocturnal enuresis (paternal side / uncles)
- Vesicoureteral reflux
- Cystic kidney disease / Absence of kidney
- Hypospadias / Cryptochidism
- Abdominal exam
- Masses
- Pain (tender spot)
- Palpable bladder
- Ballotable kidneys - GU exam
- Nappy rash (signify continuous dribbling of urine)
- Labial adhesions (cause urinary leakage)
- Urethral prolapse (in female can cause constipation, other symptoms: haematuria, urinary leakage)
- Ureterocele prolapse (obstruction of urinary tract, need to check esp. in those UTI + high fever)
- Urethral opening (location)
- Foreskin (phimosis vs retractable) - Back exam
- Sacral dimples
- Hairy patches
—> Spina bifida occulta - Watch peeing process
- Urine stream (strong, any deviation of stream signify abnormal urethral opening) - Post-void residual
Phimosis, Circumcision and other prepuce disorder
Phimosis: a pathological condition
- secondary to Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO)
- chronic + progressive inflammatory condition characterised by hyperkeratosis (~ lichen sclerosis in skin) affecting glans + prepuce —> scarred + non-retractile foreskin, narrow preputial ring, meatal stenosis if glans involved
Physiological phimosis:
- physiological tightness of foreskin
- natural condition in which prepuce cannot be retracted
- natural adhesion between glans and prepuce
- with time will become retractable
- only problematic when complications arise e.g. UTI
- Ballooning of prepuce during peeing
- Balanitis
- Severe recurrent attacks of balanoposthitis
- Recurrent febrile UTI
- Penile malignancy
- Traumatic foreskin injury where it cannot be salvaged
- Underlying urological anomalies (to prevent UTI)
—> NO absolute medical indication for circumcision in ***neonatal period
Potential medical advantages:
- ↓ incidence of UTI in first year of life
- Prevent phimosis
- Prevent balanoposthitis (superficial infection of glans + foreskin)
- ↓ incidence of penile cancer
- may ↓ incidence of STD / HIV (safe sex practice ONLY way to prevent STD / HIV)
1. Device method
- Gomco clamp
- Plastibell clamp
- Mogen clamp
2. Surgical operation
- Free hand surgery
- 0.2-0.5% overall
- Bleeding
- Injury to penis (e.g. amputation of glans)
- Skin issues (taking off / leaving on too much, skin bridges, inclusion cysts, penile curvature (∵ uneven skin removal), urethrocutaneous fistula)
- Long term (***meatal stenosis)
Foreskin care
- By 3 yo 90% boys will have retractable foreskin
Suggestion to parents:
- Normal cleaning
- No forceful retraction
- Teach boys to pull back foreskin to void
Treatment only necessary for foreskin causing **infection / **difficulty voiding
- Painful constriction of glans penis by foreskin which has been retracted behind the corona
- Urgent condition
- Manual reduction +/- Dorsal slit of foreskin
Buried / Hidden penis
May have problem with loss of anchoring of penis and pubic symphysis
- Webbed penis
- penis enclosed by skin of scrotum which extends onto its shaft - Trapped penis
- normal-sized penis that is partially stuck in the pubic fat pad, scarring / adhesion prevent retraction of fat pad - Concealed penis
- normal size penis hidden in pubic fat pad but is retractable
- Preputioplasty
Testicular pain
1. Testicular torsion
2. Torsion of testicular appendix
3. Orchitis
4. Epididymitis
5. Constipation / other abdominal conditions
Testicular torsion:
- Adolescent (not always)
- **Sudden onset
- Severe sharp pain
- **Sometimes only abdominal pain
- **N+V
- Abnormal lie of the testicle (e.g. transverse lie / oblique lie)
- **High lying testicle
- ***Ideally fix within 6 hours
Torsion of testicular appendix:
- Sudden onset of pain
- Pre-adolescent
- **Pinpoint tenderness
- **Blue dot sign (not always, bluish patch discolouration on scrotum)
- Over time can cause local inflammation which looks like epididymitis / torsion of testes on USG —> may need surgical exploration of scrotum
Epididymitis / Orchitis:
- Adolescent / older
- ***Gradual onset
- Tender superior portion (esp. tip of epididymis)
- May be preceded by URTI / UTI
- Look like torsion —> straight to operation
- Urinalysis + culture —> if normal —> unlikely to be epididymitis
- Scrotal USG (but should not waste time in highly suspicious patients)
Undescended testicle (Cryptorchidism)
- Most common birth abnormality involving male genitalia (0.8% incidence at 6 months)
- All (except premature infants) will descend in first 3 months of life —> if undescended at 3 months —> ***Refer specialist + Plan for surgery
- ***Retractile testicle is a normal descended testicle that is pulled out of the scrotum by an overactive cremasteric reflex (normal position during normal situation)
- Bimanual examination (one hand on abdomen swiping testicles down to scrotum, other hand try grasp testicle from scrotum)
—> Palpable undescended testicle (i.e. within Scrotum / Inguinal canal) —> Orchidopexy
—> Retractile testicle —> Monitor —> If ascending testis syndrome —> Orchidopexy
—> Non-palpable testicle —> EUA
—> Palpable testis —> Orchidopexy
—> Non-palpable —> Laparoscopy (try to find testicle) —>
1. Intraabdominal testicles —> Primary / Staged Fowler-Stephens Orchidopexy
2. Vas / vessels entering canal (i.e. testis should be in inguinal canal but just not enter scrotum) —> Inguinal exploration + orchidopexy
3. Blind-ending vas / vessels (i.e. no testicles at all) —> Vanishing testis
Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy:
- indication: >2 cm from inguinal ring
- clip spermatic vessels >1 cm cranial to testis
- wait >=6 months then perform laparoscopic stage 2 Fowler-Stephen orchidopexy
Disease spectrum (different level of urethral opening):
- mild: glandular / subcoronal
- moderate: mid-penile
- severe: perineal / scrotal
Clinical features:
- Ventral + proximally located urethral meatus
- Chordee (ventral curvature of penis)
- Hooded prepuce (deficient ventral prepuce)
- Incidence: 1/300 male births
- Associations:
—> Cryptorchidism (9.3%) (Hypospadias + Cryptorchidism —> need to consider whether there is disorder of sexual differentiation —> chromosomal abnormality)
—> Inguinal hernia (9%)
Factors (Multifactorial):
- Endocrine (disruption in synthetic biopathway of androgens, maybe a delay in maturation of HPG axis)
- Genetic (familial rate 7%)
- Environmental (endocrine disrupters in environment may be responsible for increase in incidence)
- Maternal (maternal progrestin exposure may increase likelihood of hypospadias, some studies show a marked increase in hypospadias in women undergoing IVF)
- ***Do NOT circumcise (need foreskin for reconstruction, others: buccal mucosa, tunica vaginalis)
- NO need imaging studies
- Refer to paediatric urologist within 1st year of life
- Always consider DSD (Disorder of sexual differentiation) if hypospadias associated with undescended testes
Operative strategy:
- Mathieu urethroplasty
- Snodgrass urethroplasty
- Involuntary urinary leakage only during night time
- Apply to patients >=5 yo only
- Always wet the bed at night since birth
- Was dry at night (>=6 months) and now wetting the bed again
- 15-20% of 5 yo
- 1-2% adolescents (majority will outgrow enuresis)
Cause (Multifactorial):
- Genetic
- Maturational delay
- Difficulty wakening
- Psychological (e.g. ADHD)
***Causes of Urinary incontinence
- ***Primary nocturnal enuresis (most common)
- ***Anatomic incontinence
- Ectopic ureter (Extravesical)
- Obstruction (PUV, (PUJO, VUJO, Labial adhesions, Urethral prolapse, Ureterocele))
- Anomalies (Exstrophy, (Abnormal urethral opening)) - ***Neurogenic incontinence
- Congenital (Neural tube defects (Spina bifida, Myelomeningocele, Anorectal malformations))
- Acquired (Trauma, Tumour, Anoxic brain injury, Extensive pelvic surgery) - ***Functional incontinence (when no anatomical / neurological cause found)
- Detrusor overactivity
- Infrequent voider (Lazy bladder)
- Dysfunctional voiding (DSD) - Miscellaneous (UTI, Polyuria)
Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis (PMNE)
- Primary: wet bed since birth, never been dry
- Monosymptomatic: no other symptoms
—> no daytime enuresis
—> no urinary frequency
—> no urgency
—> no pain
—> no UTI - Nocturnal enuresis: only wet at night time
- ***Clinical diagnosis
- Important to differentiate from “Non-monosymptomatic” / Secondary enuresis —> need investigations
1. ***Bladder diary
- distinguish MNE from NMNE
- volume intake
- bladder capacity
- daytime + nocturnal urine production
- consecutive 48 hours
- ***Urinalysis
- osmolarity issues
Others (Urinalysis and ***nothing further if only PMNE, only when refractory to treatment / daytime symptoms):
3. USG urinary system
4. XR spine (spina bifida occulta)
5. Urodynamic study
1. **Reassurance
2. **Lifestyle modification (no liquids after dinner, void before sleep, no caffeinated beverages)
3. **Star chart
4. **Bed / Enuresis alarm
5. ***DDAVP for large night time urine volume
- Patient usually outgrow
***Antenatal hydronephrosis
Dilation of the renal collecting system during antenatal period
- incidence 1/100 pregnancy (only 1/500 are significant abnormalities)
1. **Normal (most common)
2. **Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
3. **Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK)
4. **Obstructive uropathies
- Posterior urethral valve (PUV)
- Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO)
- Vesicoureteric junction obstruction (VUJO / megaureter)
5. **Prune Belly syndrome
1. Quantitative Antero-Posterior diameter (APD):
- AP diameter between ***renal pelvis
- easy to understand
- inter + intra-observer error
- some important parameters are missing e.g. ureteral dilatation, calyceal dilatation, bladder abnormalities
- SFU grading (Qualitative):
- description of dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces —> see whether there is parenchymal involvement
- parenchymal thickness
- grade 1-4
- APD >4mm (2nd trimester) / >7mm (3rd trimester) - UT dilatation (Combined Quantitative + Qualitative classification):
- Calyceal dilation
- Parenchymal thickness
- Appearance
- Bladder abnormalities
- Urethral abnormalities
- Based on gestational age
—> used pre / post-natally
1. Mild-Moderate Unilateral hydronephrosis
- USG at **2-6 weeks
- +/- **MCUG / ***MAG3 radionuclei scan
- Bilateral / Severe hydronephrosis / Dilated posterior urethra
- ***Day 2 USG
- +/- MCUG / MAG3 radionuclei scan
- only show VUR, PUV
- cannot show PUJO / VUJO (∵ contrast normally cannot flow back up anyway)
MAG3 scan:
- show drainage function
- prolonged diuretic t1/2 signify obstructive component
(3. RFT
- Too early for baby (only reflect mother’s renal function))
Indications of MCUG
- SFU and Canadian urological association
- SFU grade 4
- SFU grade 3 individualised approach
- SFU grade 0-2 deferred - Bilateral disease
- Dilated ureter
- Duplex kidney
- Abnormal bladder
- Ureterocele
- Abnormal renal cortex
Young children (non-specific):
- Febrile
- Decreased appetite
- Lethargy
Older children (more specific):
- Febrile (implies pyelonephritis)
- Dysuria
- Frequency
- Abdominal / Loin pain
1. Fever
- Voiding history
- Voiding frequency
- Holding maneuvers (may suggest neurogenic bladder)
- Incontinence (day + night)
- Bowel movements (hard stool / constipation put more pressure on bladder)
- Fluid intake (type + volume) - Family history
- Recurrent UTI
1. Urinalysis
- Cath specimen ideally
- Bag specimens (but can be contaminated easily)
- Radiology (for Febrile UTI)
- DMSA —> document that it is a pyelonephritis
- ***Clean catch urine sample preferred
- if not successful:
—> Bag urine (easy but not a good choice)
—> Catheterised sample (transurethral / suprapubic)
1. Lower tract infection
- short course antibiotic
- Upper tract (fever, back pain, N+V)
- 2 week course antibiotic
- admission if very ill
- quick treatment decreases chance of scarring
***Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
- Common cause of UTI in children
- Abnormal retrograde flow of bladder urine back into upper urinary tract through ***incompetent VUJ
- Sibling predisposition (40% of siblings)
- 25-30% of antenatal hydronephrosis + 1% of newborn
1. Hydronephrosis in Antenatal USG
2. UTI
- up to 30% with other GU anomalies
- males present earlier due to shorter ureters but girls 2x more likely to have reflux
3. Renal scarring
- Grade 1, 2: mild
- Grade 3: moderate
- Grade 4, 5: severe
(SpC Paed:
Grade 1: Fills ureter without dilation
Grade 2: Fills ureter + collecting system without dilation
Grade 3: Mildly dilates ureter + collecting system with mild blunting of calyces
Grade 4: Grossly dilates ureter + collecting system with blunting of calyces
Grade 5: Gross dilates collecting system: ALL calyces blunted with loss of papillary impression +/- Intrarenal reflux + Significant ureteral dilation + tortuosity)
1. Primary
- deficiency in formation of VUJ
- majority resolve with time (75% will outgrow)
- Secondary
- a result of urinary tract ***dysfunction
—> dysfunctional voiding
—> neuropathic bladder
—> obstruction
—> ?infection
- must correct the predisposing factor
1. **MCUG (gold standard, involves catheterisation + radiation)
2. **Voiding USG (involve catheterisation but no radiation)
1. ***Antibiotic prophylaxis + observation
- Amoxicillin (for <2 months)
- TMP-SMX (co-trimoxazole / septrin) / Nitrofurantoin QHS
- Surveillance USG
- Protect kidney growth until it stops at 5 yo (then can stop antibiotics) (SpC Revision)
- Surgical intervention
- Indications: breakthrough infections, poor compliance with medications, renal scarring
- **Endoscopic: “Deflux” bulking agent injection
- **Operative ureteric reimplantation: Open vs Laparoscopic vs Robotic - Circumcision
- Boys under 6 months of age: Risk of UTI ↓ by 10x
- ***Grade 4/5 boys under 2 yo - General advice
- Primary VUR presenting with UTI
—> treat constipation +/- bladder bowel dysfunction
—> adequate fluid intake
—> appropriate + prompt evaluation of febrile illness
—> consider circumcision for boys
Paediatric cystic kidney disease: MCDK, PKD
- Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) (多囊性發育不良腎)
- Most severe form of renal dysplasia
- Multiple large cysts replacing normal kidney / Ureteral atresia
- **More common than PKD
- **Sporadic (+/- VACTERL (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities))
- **Unilateral
- **Presentation: Unilateral mass
- Involute over time —> Follow with serial USG + remove if doesn’t involute
- Urological testing on healthy kidney
- **Check urinary tract (90% with other GU anomalies)
- DMSA show **non-functioning kidney - Polycystic kidney disease (多囊腎)
- Most commonly **inherited kidney disease
- **Genetic, with variable expression
- **Bilateral
- **Presentation: HT, Renal insufficiency, Oliguria, Family history
- ***Cysts may also be in liver, spleen, pancreas
- Results in hypertension
- “Snowstorm” appearance of infantile polycystic disease
***Obstructive uropathies
- Posterior urethral valves (PUV)
- Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO)
- Vesicoureteric junction obstruction (VUJO / megaureter)
***1. Posterior urethral valves (PUV)
- ***Congenital membrane (between anterior and posterior urethra) which (partially) obstruct urethra
- can cause problem at bladder, ureter, kidney
- most common cause of neonatal obstructive uropathy in **males (*NOT affect female)
- incidence 1/5000-1/8000
- Antenatal
—> Severe cases can present with ***Potter’s sequence (oligohydraminios, pulmonary hypoplasia, uterine molding)
- Bilateral hydronephrosis
- Distended bladder
- Poor urinary stream (+/- dribbling)
Macroscopic appearance:
- Dilated proximal urethra
- Thickened trabeculated bladder
- Dilated ureters
- Hydronephrosis
- MCUG (dilated posterior urethra + narrow anterior urethra)
Therapeutic goal:
- Relieve obstruction
- Preserve renal function + Avoid renal failure (30% at risk for progressive renal insufficiency)
1. Immediate: Foley to decompress bladder
2. Surgical
- Ablation of valves
- Urinary diversion
- Fetal therapy with vesicoamniotic shunt (no good evidence)
- Blood test monitoring
- Post-obstructive diuresis
- 1/3 can still progress to renal failure despite surgical treatment due to damage done antenatally
***2. Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO)
- Most common cause of congenital hydronephrosis
- Abnormal muscle development at PUJ
- M>F
- Can be associated with other congenital abnormalities (e.g. VATER)
- Prenatal: Hydronephrosis (***Unilateral)
- Postnatal: Renal mass (Hydronephrosis) / workup after UTI
- USG (see dilatation of renal pelvis)
- MAG3 / DTPA scan (***obstructive pattern on diuretic enhanced radionucleotide scan)
- CT / MR urogram (Not standard)
1. Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hynes)
- removing blockage + reconnecting ureter to renal pelvis
- stent (double J) may be left across the pyeloplasty anastomosis / a nephrostomy may be left above the repair to decompress the kidney
Collecting system abnormalities
- Duplication
- Partial (only 1 ureteric opening into bladder)
- Complete (2 ureteric openings into bladder)
—> associated with Ureterocele - Ureterocele
- Intravesicle
- Ectopic
—> terminal cystic dilatation of ureter, associated with duplication anomalies
—> both can cause obstruction to upper urinary tract
Paediatric renal tumours
1. Mesoblastic nephroma
2. Wilms tumour (Nephroblastoma) (less common)
3. Clear cell sarcoma (less common)
4. Rhabdoid tumour (less common)
1. Phaeochromocytoma
2. Neuroblastoma
- Mesoblastic nephroma
- Most common renal neoplasm in 1st year of life
- 60% diagnosed before 6 months
- Neonatal tumours: 1:27000 (7% are renal tumours)
- Account for 3-6% of renal tumours in childhood
- Most frequent benign renal tumour
1. Radical nephrectomy
- generally curative
- Chemotherapy
- for incomplete resection, infrequent local recurrences and rarely metastases
- Wilm’s tumour
- Most common paediatric renal tumour, but rarely diagnosed in 1st month of life
—> 80% diagnosed between 1-5 yo - 15% associated with other syndromes
—> WAGR syndrome
—> Hemihypertrophy
—> Beckwith-Wiedemann - Most have good prognosis and cured with Primary nephrectomy (some may need Chemotherapy)
Disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD)
Patient is born but difficult to decide boy / girl
1. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- most common diagnosis in **virilised XX infants (look like male from external appearance)
- most common type: **21-hydroxylase deficiency
- presentation: **hypoglycaemia, vomiting, diarrhoea, hypovolaemia, **HypoNa with HyperK, **shock
- **paediatric emergency (SpC Paed)
(vs Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS): XY infants who look like female due to androgen insensitivity (self notes))
- Monitor electrolytes, glucose
- 17-OHP high (newborn screen / lab studies)
- Correct electrolytes, glucose
- Glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone)
- Mineralocorticoid (may be required in salt wasters)
Genitourinary malformations
- Bladder exstrophy
- Cloacal exstrophy
- Epispadias
- Urachal anomalies