Interactions with the Atmosphere and Surface Flashcards
__ passing through the atmosphere undergoes modification through scattering, absorption, and refraction.
Solar Energy
The redirection of electromagnetic energy by particles suspended in the atmosphere or by large molecules of atmospheric gases
The effect of scattering is to redirect ____ so that a portion of the incoming solar beam is directed back toward space, as well as toward the Earth’s surface.
Occurs when atmospheric particles have diameters that are very small relative to the wavelength of the radiation. It is also ______, meaning that the amount of scattering changes greatly as one examines different regions of the spectrum. Also sometimes referred to as _____
Rayleigh Scattering, Wavelength Dependent, Clear Atmosphere Scattering
At sunset, only the _____ wavelengths pass through, hence the sky being color orange or red.
Involves larger atmospheric particles like dust, pollen, smoke, and water droplets.
Those particles that cause this scattering have diameters that are roughly equivalent to the wavelength of the scattered radiation. It is also _______, but it tends to be greatest in the lower atmosphere (0 to 5 km), where larger particles are abundant.
Mie Scattering, Wavelength Dependent
Caused by particles that are much larger than the wavelength of the scattered radiation. For radiation in and near the visible spectrum, such particles might be larger water droplets or large particles of airborne dust. It is ________, meaning that it is not wavelength dependent hence we observe it as a whitish or grayish haze because all visible wavelengths are scattered ____.
Nonselective Scattering, Nonselective, Equally
Atmosphere has its own ____ due to scattering.
Alters colors and brightness of objects in landscapes based on distance from the observer called ______
Atmospheric Perspective
Scattering affects remote sensing by excluding ______ wavelengths because it is greatly affected by scattering (Short-Wave Radiations)
Blue and Ultraviolet
Scattering makes dark objects appear brighter and bright objects appear darker, reducing _____.
Bending of light rays at the contact area between two media that transmit light.
Defined as the ratio between the velocity of light (c) in a vacuum and its velocity in the medium (cn). Assuming uniform media, light passing into a denser medium is deflected toward the surface normal.
Index of Refraction (n)
Defines the angle that the refracted ray follows as it passes from one medium to another.
Snell’s Law
_____ of radiation occurs when the atmosphere hinders/prevents transmission of radiation or its energy through the atmosphere.
______ is formed by the interaction of high-energy ultraviolet radiation with oxygen molecules (O2) high in the atmosphere. Absorption of UV (mainly less than 0.24 μm) prevents transmission of this radiation to the lower atmosphere.
______ absorbs in the mid and far infrared regions. Also occurs in low concentrations (about 0.03% by volume of a dry atmosphere), mainly in the lower atmosphere. Its strongest absorption occurs in the region from about (13 to 17.5 μm) in the mid infrared.
Carbon Dioxide