Interactionism Flashcards
primary and secondary deviance.
primary deviance is minor criminality that hasn’t been pubically labeled.
Secondary is crime being pubically labeled as a criminal and receiving the stigmatism that goes along side. Often this is followed by isoclation from society.
There is no value consensus on what crime and or deviance is, lots of cultures outline the rules for crim/devince differently from others.
Deviance is behaviour that powerful agencies of social control define or label. Therefore, all deviance is socially constructed.
By giving people a ‘deviant’ label this usually leads to a self fulfilling prophecy where they seek groups who will accept these behaviours and amplify the frequency in which they are committed due to their desire to be accepted and gain higher status’ in these groups
Reductionists ( A03 )
Becker over simplifies the definitions of crime and deviance.
Officers often have ‘typifications’ that effect how they police. law enforcement is showing a class bias, in that working class areas and people fitted the police typifications most closely.
Argues that racial profiling by police officers may be responsible for the criminailisation of black people. This stereotyping may account for their disproportionate appearance in official crime statistics.
Merton ( A03 )
Strain theory
Evidence - Jock young
Example: Hippie culture has become more extreme due to harsh policing and the ‘deviant’ label that is associated with their activities.
Evidence - A03 of Cicourel
For example, Robert Downey Jr was arrested with drug charges several times throughout the 90s and yet he is still a successful actor.
Evidence to support Holdaway and Lemert - stop and search stats GOV.UK
Out of 1,000 people ‘black and other’ minority groups have a search rate of 92/1000, compared to ‘white’ which is 6/1000.