Inter- words Flashcards
v, involving people playing among themselves
The class was very interactive, so it was more fun.
v, to get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue
Urd doesn’t like it when her parents interfere with her education.
v, to throw a remark nito a conversation between two or more people
“Wow!” Shawn interjected.
n, the break between parts of a play, opera, or concert
Howard said there would be no intermission at the next orchestra concert.
adj, between or among the nations of the world
We’re going to make “soul food” for International Dinner.
n, the worldwide computer system that allows communication and information sharing among people
Someone is going to put Chris’ shower picture on the Internet if he isn’t careful.
adj, between people (usually describing social activities)
Sister is good at interpersonal communication.
n, a person who helps translate the languages between different people
The interpreter changed the meaning of the message, but the speaker didn’t know.
v, to break into a conversation between people
She had to interrupt the lecture to ask a question
adj, between the states
Many cities across the US are connected by interstate freeways.