Inter War Flashcards
List 4 characteristics of Facism
Single party system with strong leader, glorification of state, aggressive form of nationalism, and emphasis stability over freedom.
What is a Faces?
Ancient Rome symbol used to represent Roman civic unity.
What 4 countries had fascist governments between 1919- 1945?
Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan.
List 4 problems Italy had after World War I.
Very high debt, unkept promises to peasants and factory workers, high and increasing inflation, and unstable government.
Who was “Il Duce” ?
Benito Mussolini
Who were the black shirts?
Thugs used by fascist party to intimidate the opposition.
What is political polarization?
Divergence of political attitudes.
How did Mussolini become prime minister?
He was appointed by King Victor Emmanuel.
What is Cooperate State?
A new form of government created by Mussolini for cooperation between workers and owners even though owners still dominated (but it ended strikes and unrest)
What was the German government called after World War I?
Weimar Republic
What are 3 problems Italy faced after World War I?
Political unrest, reparations (Germany couldn’t repay), and Inflation.
What is the full name of the Nazi party?
Nationalist Socialist Workers Party.
Who were the Brown shirts?
Members of the Nazi party who helped Hitler rise in power using violent intimidation.
What happened at the Beerhall Pusch?
Failed coup d’etat by Hitler who served 9 months of a 5 year sentence in prison.
What book did Hitler write?
Mein Kamph (My Struggle)
What 2 groups did Hitler blame for Germany’s loss in World War I?
Jews and Communists
Who burned down the Reichstag and why?
Hitler blames the Communists to gain more power to deal with their “threat”
What were the Nuremberg Laws?
Stripped Jews of their citizenship and right to hold public office. They had to wear yellow badges, no school, and destroyed Jewish businesses.
What was Krisyallnact?
The retaliation of Nazi mobs on the night and morning of Nov. 9 and 10.
Define Gestopo, Third Reich, and SS.
Gestopo is Nazi Secret police, Third Reich is Third Empire, SS is Hitler’s parliamentary army.
What was the Rome Berlin Axis?
Military pact signed between Germany and Italy
What was the Anti Comintern pact?
pact with Germany, Italy, and Japan against communist organization who want to spread communism worldwide
What is irredentism?
Belief that any former territory that was apart of a country should be returned.
What was Anschluss?
The annexation of Austria and when Hitler demanded troops to take Austria even with the appeals of Austria, Britain, and France.
Where was the Sudetenland and why did Hitler want it?
Western Czechoslovakia where Hitler demanded them to be allowed to govern themselves (self determination)
What was the policy of Appeasement?
Giving into Hitler’s demand to avoid war.
What was the non Aggression pact and who signed it?
A treaty signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop where neither country would attack each other and if one country would attack the other then the other would remain neutral, and also divided Poland between them. (Secret)