Intentional Torts to Person Flashcards
External manifestation, voluntary action
(mind body connection)
Harmful Contact
Leads to physical impairment
Offensive Contact
Contact that offends a reasonable person
Anticipation (fear/expectation) of imminent harmful or offensive contact
- like anticipation – words alone ARE NOT enough to create apprehension… must be something in additional to words
- Does not have to be FEAR but an anticipation
- Act
- Intent – for contact (Purpose OR KSC)
- Harmful OR Offensive Contact
- Cause-in-fact
- Injury (presumed when contact made)
2) MAJ & Min + transferred intent
4) Did H/O cause injury
Battery (Intent, MAJ)
Purpose or KSC
Battery (Intent, MIN)
Purpose or KSC; AND appreciates contact
do not exist in tort law, if voluntary act leads to greater consequence … held liable for that greater consequence
Nominal Damages
Acknowledges a wrong done, awards a very little amount of money
- Act
- Intent – for apprehension (Purpose OR KSC)
- Suffers apprehension (anticipation) of imminent H/O contact (P&RP)
- Cause-In-Fact
- Injury (presumed)
3) P and RP must suffer apprehension
Battery to Assault
Transferred Intent
(only for battery/assault)
Person-Person & Tort-Tort
Person-Person: applies intent toward third party to P
* Intent to contact A, instead hits B
* D is liable to B as if he had intented to contact B
Tort-Tort: purpose of SC of imminent apprehension
* Intent to cause apprehension to A, but instead contacts A
* D is liable to A for battery even through he only intended assault
Assault to Battery
Transferred Intent
(only for battery/assault)
Person-Person & Tort-Tort
Person-Person: applies intent toward third party to P
* Intent to cause apprehension of harm to A, instead cause appeanshion of harm to B
* D is liable to B as if he intended apprehension of harm B
Tort-Tort: purpose of SC of contact
* Intent to cause contact to A, but instead causes apprehension of imminent harm to A
* D is liable to A for assult even through he only intended battery
False Imprisionment
- Act
- Intent – for confine (Purpose OR KSC)
- P confined in bounded area (without reasonable means of escape)
- C/F
- Injury presumed (if conscious of confinement; actual harm needed if not)
Extreme/Outageous Conduct Test
typical community would stand up exclaim the act was outrageous
More than just words; worse with imbalance of power; worse if D has knowledge of particular sensitivity
- Act
- Intent – to cause ED (purpose OR KSC)
- E/O Conduct (test)
- C/F
- Severe ED (P suffers; AND RP suffers)
**RP not needed if D knows of particular sensitivity
- Act
- Recklessness – conscious disregard; substantial chance of causing ED
(1) D consciously disregarded risk of harm and
(2) Risk of causing ED is substantially probable - E/O Conduct (test)
- C/F
- Severe ED (P subjectively suffers ED AND RP suffer SED (**not req’ if D knows of P’s particular sensitivity))
Indirect IIED
- Act
- Intent to to cause ED to P (observer) (purpose/KSC)
- E/O Conduct
- C/F
- Severe ED (obj & subj)
- Present AND Family member OR physical manifestation
Physical Manifestations
Need to be serious side effects (ex. vomitting)
- Psychological manifestations of ED: Sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, emotional outbursts, nightmares, substance abuse, unpleasant mental reactions (shame, guilt, worry, anger, sorrow)
- Physiological (physical) manifestations of ED: Nausea, headaches, weight change
- Dianogsis of disorder, like PTSD, prescribed medication
- Intensity and duration of symptions and treatment
- Impairment to daily life
- D’s conduct itself … not reliable
Aspects of…
Purpose (to do x)
Knowledge of Substantial Certainty to/of (x)
Cause-in-Fact for Intentional Torts
But for (remember the awkwardness if only jury presumed)
Alternative liability burden shifts
Multiple sufficient causes (substantial factor and sufficiency)