Intentional torts Flashcards
Intent plus harmful bodily contact with another plus cause in fact plus proximate cause plus injury
P must prove intent and act of threatening nature and that puts p in a reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm and causation and injury
Garret v Dailey
Consideration of intent and place in the law of battery.
The boy had no intent so no battery.
Picard v Barry Pontiac
P had a case for assault and battery b/c the d touched her camera even though he didn’t touch her body.
Wishnatay v. Huey
Would battery be offensive to a reasonable sense of dignity?
In this case, no.
False Imprisonment
Must show intent, unlawful restraint, causation and injury
Lopez v Donut House
Must look for physical barriers, physical force, threats of physical force, asserted legal authority or other duress
Defense to intentional torts
Consent, self-defense, defense of property, necessity
Barbara A v John
Consent is a defense to intentional torts unless the d fraudulently obtained the consent or excessed the scope of the intent
Courvouser v Raymond
Self defense is a defense if d can show reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm.
Katko v Briney
Defense of property is a defense unless D used unreasonable force that would cause serious bodily injury or harm.
Vincent v Lake Erie
Invoke necessity defense only if harming p’s property entirely through forces beyond human control.