Intentional Tort Defenses Flashcards
express or implied through words or conduct
-cannot exceed the scope of consent
-P must have capacity to consent
-may be withdrawn at any time
-P cannot consent to a cirme
Privilege Defenses
Self Defense/Defense of Others
D is not liable for harm to Pif he
1) reasonably believed P was going to harm him or another AND
2) used reasonable force that was necessary to protect himself or another
Defense of Property
may use reasonable force to defend property but CANNOT use deadly force
Dis not liable for harm to Ps property if Ds intrusion was (or reas appeared to be) necessary to prevent serious harm to a person or property
Public necessity
(complete defense) when D acts for the public good
private necessity
(incomplete defense) when D is protecting his own propert interests, D is liable for damaged unless the purpose was to help the P.
Recapture of Chattels
an owner of wrongfdully taken chattels may take action and use reaosmable force to recover the chattels from wrongdoer
when is force unreasonable for recapture of chattels
force is deemed unreasonable wuithout 1st making a demand to return the item UNLESS demand is dangerous or futile
Shopkeeper’s Privilege
shopkeepers may
1) termporarily detain
2) a person reasonably suspected of theft
3) in or near their store
4) for the purpose of investrigation
when a request to remain has been made adn refused, reasonable non-deadly force may be used to detain