Intensity Markers & Conflict Markers in Psychotherapy Flashcards
What are Intensity Markers?
There are verbal and paraverbal markers
Name some Paraverbal Cues that show emotional intensity?
Pacing of Speech (higher volume, pitch and speed)
Name some Negative Intensity Markers
Shanking of Hands
Holding Breath
Taking Frequent Breaths
What are some Positive Intensity Markers?
Emotional Support
What are some Non-Verbal Intensity Markers
Gesture with extremeties (hands and arms)
Widening of eyes and mouth
Posture and body movement (leaning forward or movement of the head
Blinking of eyes frequently
Shifting of gaze (eye contact)
Reddening of rims of eyes
Facial Flush
What are Conflict Markers?
They are verbal cues that include the words:
But, however, maybe, I don’t know, on one hand, part of me, isn’t it? At least I think so….
What are some examples of Paraverbal Cues?
Halts or hesitations in speech
Raising Pitch at the end of a sentence to create implied questions out of what would otherwise be direct statements
Name some non-verbal conflict markers
Gesturing with hands toward opposite sides of the body
Gesturing to the head with one hand while toward the chest or abdomen with the other hand. Might mean they her heart supports one belief while her intuition supports a different belief.
Why are intensity markers useful in counselling?
it is a clear expression of one’s own positive intensity
Use intensity in your counselling to move from subjects to others and back again. Your awareness of intensity markers can improve your effectiveness as a counsellor.
Why are Conflict markers useful in counselling?
It helps to identify hidden agendas or hesitations which prevent the client from proceeding with a recommendation or homework activity. It provides you with an opportunity reassurance and engage your client.
What other factors should you pay attention to in a counselling session?
- Pace and tone of the session. Match your clients pace
- Watch for cycling (return to the same subject matter) as it is of importance to the client or hasn’t been addressed properly.
- When you see a conflict marker try and figure out what the client’s concern might be.
- When you are tense/confused/anxious about some aspect of a session, make a metacommunicative statement. (an observation about the conversation)….it seems like…
- Share your hypothesis with your clients
Name 3 reasons why Learning Intensity and Conflict Markers are important?
- They permit recognition of somatic and affective states when clients are unaware of their own internal experiences and not trusting to self disclose
- They are pre-requisite skills for other advanced therapies (EMDR, OEI and Somatic Experiences)
- They are helpful social skills, interviewing and interpersonal confidence training with clients.
- You can use them for improving your own counselling, presenting and negotiating
- You can teach them to couples to act as cues for beh changes to prevent conflicts and set interpersonal boundaries.
- You can teach them to parents to improve understanding and effective responses to children and for children to read their parents better.
- They provide targets for therapy interventions
- You can track similar reactions across time (first, worst, most recent and future anticipated) by observing parallel patterns
- You can identify inconsistencies and points of internal conflict.
- They let you know when clients are not ready to leave the session and when they are relaxed enough to leave.
- They will help you become more astute and sensitively attuned in your own relationships
- It is cool to talk about at parties.
What are the three main cultural groups?
- Middle Eastern, Hispanic and Southern European or Filipino cultures (most intense and require the least amount of personal space
- America/Canadian, Western and North Europeans are middle of the road and have the lowest of expected power distances
- Asian culture prefer most personal space and have the greatest power distances
What to keep in mind when dealing with Asian Cultures
- Stay 3 feet away
- Resist firm handshakes
- Don’t touch them or put your arm around the back of their chair
- Do not hold a gaze for too long
- Refer to your qualifications that they have reviewed prior to the meeting. Do not self praise yourself and credit other people for their contribution
- Don’t push separation or independence from parents or family.
- Resist the temptation to ask a series of questions. Allow 8 - 15 seconds to think in silence and don’t ask probing personal questions
- Be soft spoken and laugh quietly.
- Exhibit formality
- Avoid sitting with legs crossed
- Adress the client by their surname and introduce yourself the same.
- Don’t tell jokes or sarcastic comments
- Avoid excessive compliments.
- Do not self disclose too much.
- Excessive smiling and laughter may not be welcome.
- There may be lots of competition
- Respect for power distance
- Defer to the eldest person. Stand when older clients enter the room and escort them to the door at conclusion of the session.
What to keep in Mind with Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Southern European and Filipino cultures
- Close personal distance (0 to 18 inches)
- Don’t be insulted when they ask you obtrusive personal questions?
- They will interrupt, have multiple conversations and are enthusiastic
- There is a gender difference with women being more soft spoken and less assertive.
- Expect direct and extended eye contact.
What are some counselling skills?
Active Listening Reflecting Clarifying Summarizing Structuring Empathizing Interpreting Questioning Framing Confronting Supporting Blocking diagnosing Modelling Suggesting Initiating Evaluating Terminating