IntelliJ IDEA Reference Card Part 2 Flashcards
Resume program
(Debugging) F9
Toggle breakpoint
(Debugging) Ctrl + F8
View breakpoints
(Debugging) Ctrl + Shift + F8
Go to class
(Navigation) Ctrl + N
Go to file
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + N
Go to symbol
(Navigation) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Go to next/previous editor tab
(Navigation) Alt + Right/Left
Go back to previous tool window
(Navigation) F12
Go to editor (from tool window)
(Navigation) Esc
Hide active or last active window
(Navigation) Shift + Esc
Close active run/messages/find/… tab
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + F4
Go to line
(Navigation) Ctrl + G
Recent files popup
(Navigation) Ctrl + E
Navigate back/forward
(Navigation) Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right
Navigate to last edit location
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Select current file or symbol in any view
(Navigation) Alt + F1
Go to declaration
(Navigation) Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click
Go to implementation(s)
(Navigation) Ctrl + Alt + B
Open quick definition lookup
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + I
Go to type declaration
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + B
Go to super-method/super-class
(Navigation) Ctrl + U
Go to previous/next method
(Navigation) Alt + Up/Down
Move to code block end/start
(Navigation) Ctrl + ] / [
File structure popup
(Navigation) Ctrl + F12
Type hierarchy
(Navigation) Ctrl + H
Method hierarchy
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + H
Call hierarchy
(Navigation) Ctrl + Alt + H
Next/previous highlighted error
(Navigation) F2 / Shift + F2
Edit source / View source
(Navigation) F4 / Ctrl + Enter
Show navigation bar
(Navigation) Alt + Home
Toggle bookmark
(Navigation) F11
Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
(Navigation) Ctrl + Shift + F11
Go to numbered bookmark
(Navigation) Ctrl + #[0-9]
Show bookmarks
(Navigation) Shift + F11
(Refactoring) F5
(Refactoring) F6
Safe Delete
(Refactoring) Alt + Delete
(Refactoring) Shift + F6
Change Signature
(Refactoring) Ctrl + F6
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + N
Extract Method
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + M
Extract Variable
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + V
Extract Field
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + F
Extract Constant
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + C
Extract Parameter
(Refactoring) Ctrl + Alt + P
Commit project to VCS
(VCS/Local History) Ctrl + K
Update project from VCS
(VCS/Local History) Ctrl + T
View recent changes
(VCS/Local History) Alt + Shift + C
VCS quick popup
(VCS/Local History) Alt + BackQuote (`)
Surround with Live Template
(Live Templates) Ctrl + Alt + J
Insert Live Template
(Live Templates) Ctrl + J
Iteration according to Java SDK 1.5 style
(Live Templates) iter
Check object type with instanceof and downcast it
(Live Templates) inst
Iterate elements of java.util.Collection
(Live Templates) itco
Iterate elements of java.util.Iterator
(Live Templates) itit
Iterate elements of java.util.List
(Live Templates) itli
public static final
(Live Templates) psf
throw new
(Live Templates) thr
Open corresponding tool window
(General) Alt + #[0-9]
Save all
(General) Ctrl + S
(General) Ctrl + Alt + Y
Toggle full screen mode
(General) Ctrl + Alt + F11
Toggle maximizing editor
(General) Ctrl + Shift + F12
Add to Favorites
(General) Alt + Shift + F
Inspect current file with current profile
(General) Alt + Shift + I
Quick switch current scheme
(General) Ctrl + BackQuote (`)
Open Settings dialog
(General) Ctrl + Alt + S
Open Project Structure dialog
(General) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Find Action
(General) Ctrl + Shift + A
Switch between tabs and tool window
(General) Ctrl + Tab
use Find action (Ctrl+Shift+A)
To find any action inside the IDE