Intelligence Throughout the Life Span Flashcards
Charles Spearman
The g-factor (general intelligence)
Intelligence is stable throughout life.
J.P. Guilford
Intelligence consists of 150 Abilities
L.L. Thurstone
Seven Primary Mental Abilities
1) Numerical
2) Reasoning
3) Verbal Fluency
4) Spatial visualization
5) Perceptual Ability
6) Memory
7) Verbal Comprehension
Raymond B. Cattell
G-Factor Theory, but with crystallized and fluid intelligence
Robert Sternberg
There are three kinds of intelligence
1) Analytical
2) Creative
3) Contextual
Howard Gardner
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Ability to produce something new and unique or something that combines elements in new ways.
Giftedness IQ and Percentile
Top 2-3%, IQ 120-130 or higher
Joseph Renzulli
Propsed a giftedness model consisting of ability, persistance, and creativity.
Sir Frances Galten
Alfred Bignet
1st intelligence test
Stanford-Bignet Intelligenge Scale
William Stern
David Wechsler
Put IQ onto bell curve to solve problem where chronological age keeps going up.
Bell Curve Standard Deviations
.1, 2.1, 13.6, 34.1
Standard Deviations in IQ Test
Score 100 +/- 15