Integumentary System Flashcards
temperature regulation, houses sensory receptors to detect the environment around us, and secretes important fluids
function of the integumentary system
skin, hair, nails, sebaceous glands, and sudiferous glands
primary function is protection; two-way barrier capable of keeping pathogens and harmful chemicals from entering the body
epithelial tissue; acts as a barrier against pathogens, produces melnanin, assists in the production of vitamin d, and sends sensory information throughout the body
composed of connective tissue and collagen fibers; houses hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood wessel, lymphatic vessels, senseory receptors, nerve fibers, and muscle fibers
layer of fat cells (lipocytes) that separates the dermis from deeper tissues; provides protection to deeper tissues and organs from trauma; insulation from heat and cold; source of energy for starvation situations
composed of mainly keratin; acts as a barrier for pathogens and provides warmth
flat pieces of keratin that cover the top ends of fingers and toes; assist humans in picking up objects, separating, and scratching
found in the dermis; secret sebum (oil), which lubricates the hair and skin, precenting it from drying and cracking
sebaceous glands
release sweat to cool the body down
sudoriferous glands
raised spot on the skin containing pus
open sore or lesion in skin or mucous membrane
also called hives; skin eruption of pale reddish wheals with severe itching
collection of pus in the skin
skin discoloration caused by blood collecting under the skin following blunt trauma to the skin; bruise
fatty mass
abnormal paleness of the skin
pinpoint purple or red spots from minute hemorrhages under the skin
inflammatory disease of the subaceous glands and hair follicles resulting in papules and pusules
genetic condition in which the body is unable to make melanin
cancerous tumor of basal cell layer of epidermis; arises on sun exposed skin
basal cell
damage to the skin that can result from exposure to open fire, electricity, uv from the sun, or caustic chemicals
acute infection and inflammation of connective tissue found in the skin
open sore caused by pressure over bony prominences cutting off blood flow to overlying skin
decubitus ulcer
superficial dermatitis of unknown cause accompanied by redness, vesicles, itching, and crusting
highly infectous bacterial infection of skin with pustules that rupture become crusted over
form of skin cancer frequently seen in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients
kaposi’s sarcoma
contagious viral skin infection
contagious skin disease caused by egg-laying mite that burrows through skin and causes redness and intense itching
chronic disease of connective tissue that injures skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucous membranes; autoimmune condition meaning the body’s own immune system attacks normal tissue of the body
systemic lupus erythematosus
disappearance of pigment form skin in patches, causing milk-white appearance
laboratory test that grows a colon of bacteriia removed from infected area to identify specific infecting bacteria and then determine its sensitivity to a variety of antibiotics
culutre and sensitivity (c&s)
piece of tissue removed by syringe and needle, knife, punch, or brush to examine under a microscope
physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases of the integumentary system
surgical specialist involved in repair, reconstruction, or improvement of body structures such as damaged, missing, or misshapen skin
plastic surgeon