integrative Flashcards
explain trend towards integration
- Integration and Eclecticism in Therapy Models began in the 1980’s
- In 1992 30-50% of therapists called themselves eclectic or integrative in their therapeutic approach
- This number is higher now, mostly because of managed care, most people will find they are integrating various treatment interventions and approaches into their style
what is syncretism
haphazardly picking techniques without any overall theoretical rationale as long as it works “by default”
- You do not want to engage in this as therapist
- You want to be able to cautiously and carefully pick techniques that work for your client
Ex. Shy client you do not want to go into shame attacking exercise (put on loud clothes), pick techniques that are more thought out
what are the three common paths to achieve integration
technical eclecticism, theoretical integration, common factors
explain technical eclecticism
focuses on differences (different types of techniques that are used), chooses from many approaches, using techniques from different schools-without subscribing to theoretical positions which developed them
-Most people are integrative in this way, will use other techniques, but you conceptualize from a certain way
explain theoretical integration
conceptual or theoretical creation beyond a mere blending of techniques-producing a conceptual framework synthesizes best of two or more theoretical approaches
-How you understand a client is influenced by two or more theories (recommended to not go past two, can get diluted)
explain common factors
looks across different theoretical approaches in search of common elements-find core composed of non-specific variables common to all therapies
- Theories and techniques are not important, but there are common factors such as empathy understanding and therapeutic relationship
- Connect client to therapist if a therapist shows they are listening and understanding
- Core elements essential for any therapy to be successful
explain reasons for integration
- Inadequacy of a single therapy relevant to all clients & problems
- External socioeconomic realities: insurance reimbursement, HMO, PPO, POS
- Popularity of short-term, prescriptive, problem focused therapies
- Especially now in society, there is a “fix it” mentality opposed to longer therapy - Opportunities to observe & experiment with various therapies
- See which approaches are beneficial or more helpful and which are not - Recognition in psychotherapy effectiveness when integrated
therapeutic goals (should remind you of all therapies so far), depends on what is necessary for client and the goals they have
- Uncovering the unconscious
- Creating social interest
- Finding meaning in life
- Curing an emotional disturbance
- Examining old decisions & making new choices
- Developing trust in oneself
- Becoming more self-actualized
- Reducing anxiety
- Shedding maladaptive behaviors & learning new ones
- Gaining more effective control of one’s life
- Effective counseling: proficiency in combination of cognitive, affective & behavioral techniques
- Help clients think about their beliefs & assumptions
- Experience on feeling level conflicts & struggles
- Translate insights into action programs by behaving in new ways in daily living
- A substantial number of outpatients improve without formal therapy-use natural helping systems in environment
- Generally therapeutic treatments are beneficial-little support for superiority of one school of therapy over another
- Common factors which help clients: Support, Learning & Action factors
- Specific techniques can be selected for dealing with specific problems on basis of their effectiveness-provides framework to assess direction & outcomes of therapy
explain multicultural overlap
(requires us to be flexible in interventions we employ, if we are technically eclectic/integrative we still have to be flexible in techniques based on what is accepted or appropriate in client’s culture)
- Integration of multicultural Issues in Counseling-through technical eclecticism
- Create techniques to meet the needs of clients of different cultures
- Be flexible in utilizing diverse therapeutic strategies across varying cultural groups
- Employ and adapt techniques to fit the Person-in-the-environment
explain integration of spiritual/religious issues
(often brought up in therapeutic process, how are therapists bringing this up within work)
-Being open to spiritual/religious values results in change in focus of treatment away from symptoms relief to general changes in lifestyle
Have to be open to differences in these things
-Spirituality important component of mental health and inclusion in therapy helps make it more effective
Common goals between spiritual growth and psychotherapy, how one grows and learns and transcends self
- To be used in therapeutic process to benefit and enhance the process
- Force that can help individual make sense of universe and find purpose in living
- Stay tuned into client’s stories and purpose for which therapy as sought
common goals between spirituality and psychotherapy
- Emphasize learning to accept oneself, forgive others & self
- Who we are and where we might be in one particular moment
- Admitting one’s shortcomings
- Accepting Personal Responsibility
- Not putting blame on others
- Letting go of hurts & resentments
- Dealing with guilt
- Learning to let go of self-destructive patterns of thinking, feeling & acting
spirituality implications for assessment and treatment
- Important to understand background of client’s involvement in religion
- Have to include and ask these things, psychologists tend to find this the most challenging because of their own or lack of exploration of spirituality (not feeling like they have the answers)
- Have to address it yourself before you bring it up in treatment
- Understand & respect client’s religious beliefs
steps in assessment
- Include in intake procedure & early phase of therapy
- Questions of spirituality relevant to current problem & role in current life of client
- How religious beliefs relate to cognitive, affective & behavioral processes of client
- Are they more rigid? Is it bringing them satisfaction? - Letting client know it is acceptable to talk about religious & spiritual concerns
developing integrative perspective
- Beware of mixing theories with incompatible underlying assumptions about meanings, origins, development, maintenance, significance & management of problems
- Have to understand why you are integrating them
Clinicians can select techniques from any discipline without necessarily endorsing any of the theories that spawned them
Therapists must be flexible & versatile
“What works for whom under which particular circumstances”
-different things work for different people at different points in life
Blending flexible repertoire of relationship styles with wide range of techniques enhance outcome