Integrated Flashcards
What is the drug choice for acute mania and to prevent relapse? What should be important to monitored?
Important to monitored thyroid function
What is the T cell response following action of natural killer cells?
Cell mediated response through Th1
What is a complete mole?
2 sperms that meet an empty egg
What is a partial mole?
2 sperms meeting a full egg
What are the labs in a hyatidiform mole pregnancy?
Low or normal creatinine
Low hemoglobin
Normal TSH
Extremely High Beta- HCG
What are the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Increased homocysteine ( no conversion to methionine)
Increased MethylmalonylCoA ( no conversion to succinyl CoA)
Macrocytic anemia
What can glycine deficiency cause?
Non iron deficiency anemia
What amino acid is needed to grow legionella?
Grow on buffered charcoal yeast agar
Cysteine and iron is required for grow
What are the characteristics of HUS?
Hemolytic anemia, renal failure and low platelet count in children Seen after food borne diarrheal illness Caused by E. Coli O157H7 Toxin mediated inhibition of ADAMTS-13 Helmet or triangle cells
What are the characteristics of TTP?
Hallmark symptoms of HUS
Altered mental status
Patient with hepatomegaly, skin hyperpigmentation and impotence?
Mutation in HFE gene: hereditary hemochromatosis
Increased serum iron, ferritin and total iron binding capacity
Decreased transferrin saturation
What is the treatment for prolactinoma?
Classic: bilateral milky discharge from breasts with normal physical
Dopamine agonist
How does Herpes present itself?
Painful,ulcerated sores in the genital or oral mucosa
Tender lymphadenopathy
Positive tzanck test
Cowdry A inclusion bodies= multinucleated giant cells
How does primary syphilis present itself?
Painless papule
Corkscrew organism visualized in dark field
What is choriocarcinoma?
Highly aggressive form of primary testicular tumor
Metastasizes to the lung and brain
Normal AFP
HCG elevated