Intangible assets (IFRS) Flashcards
Internally generated intangible assets (IFRS)
- Research is defined as original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding
- Development is defined as the application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems, or services before the start of commercial production or use
- Research costs are always expensed
- Development costs must be capitalized if all of the following exist:
o Technically feasible
o Intention to complete it
o Ability to use or sell it
o Probable future economic benefits will be generated
o Availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources
o Ability to reliably measure the expenditures attributed - Costs meeting the tangible asset criteria should not be capitalized as intangible
Reference: IAS 38.4, .8, .54, .57
Intangible assets – Definition and recognition (IFRS)
- To meet the definition of an intangible asset the item must be: identifiable, the entity must have control over the future benefit and the item must meet the recognition criteria
- The asset is identifiable if it either:
o It can be separated from the entity
o Arises from contractual, legal right that allow it to be transferrable or separable - The entity controls the asset if it has the power to obtain future economic benefits
- Recognition criteria:
o Probable that the expected future economic benefits will flow to the entity
o Cost of the asset can be measured reliably
Reference: IAS 38.12, .13, .17 .21
Intangible assets – Amortization (IFRS)
- Intangibles are to be amortized over their estimated useful lives unless they are considered to have an indefinite life
- Assets with indefinite lives are not to be amortized until the life is no longer considered indefinite, but they must be tested for impairment annually
- Assets with definite lives can be reported following either the cost model or the revaluation model
- Amortization method and useful life should be reviewed annually
- Consider expected use, life of related assets, contractual provisions, product life cycles and other economic factors
Reference: IAS 38.72, .88, .97, .104, .107, .109