InsuranceSuite 10.0 Fundamentals Flashcards
What is 3-tier architecture?
Client-server software in which UI, functional logic, and data are developed and maintained as independent modules.
Data, application, presentation (DAP)
What is a relational database?
Collection of data structures and objects related to each other. Hosted separate from the application server.
Which file specifies the database connection?
Which RDBMS are supported by Guidewire?
Microsoft SQL Server
H2 - training and dev only
What is the application tier?
- Set of rules, UI, integrations, and data model.
- Requires a Java Enterprise Edition server
- Deployed using WAR or EAR
Which application servers are supported? [5]
- Websphere
- WebLogic
- Apache Tomcat
- JBoss
- Jetty - training and dev only
What is the presentation tier?
Server-side application that generates HTML pages rendered by a browser.
DON’T - use the back-button; DON’T bookmark anything except login page.
What is a data model entity?
High-level business object used by Guidewire.
- defined in a set of XML files.
Explain the relationship between the data model, DB, and Java
- Each entity is defined in a set of XML files.
- DB Tables are generated from entities.
- Java classes are generated as well.
What is a PCF file?
Page Configuration File
- abstract definition of a form or location
- used by the UI tier
What is the Guidewire Platform?
A layer of _____ _____ includes _____, _____, and _____ shared by all GW apps.
- data model, PCF, and application logic, integration mechanisms
What is the Guidewire Platform?
A layer of _____ _____ includes _____, _____, and _____ shared by all GW apps.
- data model, PCF, and application logic, integration mechanisms
configuration technology
common resources
What is gradle?
Open Source build automation system based on Groovy DSL
What are the 3 phases of build development in gradle?
Initialization, Configuration, and Execution
What is incremental build?
Gradle detects which parts of the build tree have changed and will not re-exec those that haven’t changed.
How to see available gradle tasks?
Run gwb on command line.
Which tier:
Data model entities?
PCF - Presentation
Gosu - Application
Entities - Data
What is the purpose of the Guidewire platform?
Contains ____ and ______ shared by all Guidewire applications.
common resources
configuration techniques
How do you start Guidewire Studio?
open command line:
gwb studio
How do you start a Guidewire application from Studio?
Debug Server or Run Server
How to regenerate the data dictionary?
> gwb genDataDictionary
What is the Guidewire data model?
A set of XML metadata definitions of entities and typelists.
- loads on startup
- generates tables in application database
- generates Java and Gosu classes in application server
What is a data field?
- stores a single value
- does not reference an object
- e.g. varchar, datetime, bit, integer
What is a foreign key field?
- stores reference to related object
- defines unidirectional relationship
What is an array field?
- defines additional entities of same type to associate with main entity
What is a typelist?
- predefined set of possible values that limits valid values
- usually a drop-down
What are supertype and subtyped entities? [4]
- supertype is a parent
- subtype are children; they inherit all fields in the parent
- some supertypes are abstract and must be subtyped
- examples include Contact, Job, and Workflow
What is a virtual entity?
- non-persistent entity constructed only in code
- exist at run-time; not saved
- generally not recommended
What is a virtual field?
- field with a calculated value not stored in database
Are array fields stored in the DB?
No - queries are used via foreign key fields.
- every array on main entity must have a foreign key on the associated entity
How are typelists stored?
- each typelist has its own table, and each entity containing a typelist has a foreign key to that table
- prefix is ‘tl’
What kind of data is stored in a supertype parent table?
Both the supertype and subtype
How are irrelevant subtype fields handled in subtyped tables?
They are null
What 2 things are automatically created with a subtyped table?
1) subtype column
2) typelist for the various subtypes
What is the prefix for typelist tables?
xxtl, where xx is the application code (pc, bc, cc, ab)
What is the data dictionary?
A document listing the entities and typelists. It includes customer extensions.
What are the 3 main sections of the data dictionary?
Entities, typelists, all fields
What are the 3 views of the data dictionary?
Standard, database, migration
What is the data dictionary migration view used for?
Assist in converting data from a legacy application.
What is the command to regenerate the data dictionary?
> gwb genDataDictionary
List three reasons to regenerate the data dictionary
1) a clean install of the GW application
2) Extending the data model
a) validate changes
b) generate static HTML pages
3) Modify system permissions to regen the Security Dictionary
What is an entity?
An entity is a definition of a business object.
What kinds of files define entities?
What are the two main types of entities?
Base application, custom
Where are platform entities found?
\modules\configuration\config\metadata\entity folder
- they are read-only
- platform=”true”
How do you prevent an entitiy from being subtyped?
What is a platform entity?
- common to all GW apps
- Activity, User
What is an application entity?
Specific to a GW app
- Claim, Policy, Invoice (BC)
Where are custom entities found?
\modules\configuration\config\extensions\entity folder
What is a custom entity?
Entity created by customer
- only created on application level
What is the naming recommendation for custom entities and fields?
1) _Ext for new entities
2) _Ext for new fields on base entities
3) Do not add _Ext to fields on custom entities
What is an EIX file?
Internal Entity Extension
What is an Internal Entity Extension used for?
Created by Guidewire to extend a platform entity in a specific application
- e.g. Activity fields specific to PolicyCenter
Where are EIX files found?
Are EIX files editable?
No. read-only
How to get all typekey in code?
- includes retired values
What is a typelist?
Fixed, predefined list of values
Can a typekey value be added at run-time?
How do typekeys typically appear?
dropdown list
What are the 3 typelist filetypes?
.tti - Typelist Type Info
.tix - Typelist Internal Extension
.ttx - Typelist Type Extension
When is _Ext used in typelists?
For typecodes added by the customer in an existing typelist.
Can internal typelists be modified?
No. Marked as final.
How many ETX files can an entity have?
What datatype do you enter for:
- string?
- boolean?
- numbers with decimals?
- varchar, shorttext
- bit
- monetary amount, decimal
What datatypes require columnParam subelements?
- varchar (size)
- decimal (scale, precision)
When does a GW application actually modify the physical structure of the database?
- during start-up only
What’s the difference between \Metadata\ and \Extensions\ folders?
Metadata - read-only
What is a PCF file?
Page configuration file
- XSD-validated XML describing structure, layout, and behaviour
What is a PCF widget?
PCF element converted to HTML and displayed
What is a PCF location?
PCF element that a user can navigate to
What 2 things does a location specify?
1) which part of the browser windows will be updated
2) what permissions are needed to view
What is an atomic widget?
Smallest building block of user interface
- displays individual data value
- executes individual action
What is a container widget?
Collection of atomic widgets or other container widgets
List 3 Primary Container Widgets
- Detail View Panels
- List View Panels
- Input Sets
What is a Detail View Panel?
Organize data into a single record
What is a List View Panel?
View information about multiple records.
What is an Input Set?
Set of atomic widgets grouped together
What container must be used to display an input set?
Detail view panel
Can an input set have a toolbar?
What is a secondary container?
Used to organize primary containers
- List Detail Panel, Card
What is a Card?
A card contains Detail Views or List Views
What is a List Detail Panel?
- top List View
- bottom view panel
What is a top-level container?
Screen. It organizes secondary and primary containers
Can a screen contain:
- Card?
- List View?
- Detail View?
- Input Set?
- Atomic Widgets?
1,2,3 Yes
4,5, No
Describe an < location /> element
Doesn’t exist. Conceptual only
List examples of Location widgets
Location group Page Wizard Popup Worksheet Forward Exit Point
What does ALT-SHIFT-W do?
Widget structure
Why are widgets purple / dark purple in studio?
Not defined in current PCF, reference in another PCF. Double-click to open.
What is the name of the widget that draws a horizonal line in an InputSet?
Input Divider
Alt + Shift + L
Reload PCF files
Purpose of atomic widget?
Display individual elements of data / functionality
Purpose of container widgets?
Group atomic widgets into logical groups
Purpose of locations?
Define how users move in the app
What does a PCF file define?
Container widgets, locations, and contents
Light green line in PCF:
Current selected widget will be inserted
PCF red background
Error in definition
3 ways to deploy PCF files?
- Restart server
- alt-shift-L (requires internal tools enabled)
- Internal Tools Reload page (admin access)
What is a display key?
Mechanism that allows locale-specific texts
How should static text be displayed?
Using a display key
What is specified in a widgets value property?
The field in the data model
What does the keyword ‘as’ mean? how is it used?
To subtype a base object and access a subtype field.