Insurance Terms and related concepts focus Flashcards
ACV formula
current replacement cost-depreciation= actual cash value
replacement cost
cost to replace damaged prop with like kind and quality at todays price without any deduction of depreciation
market value
valuing loss based on the amount a willing buyer would pay for to a willing seller for property prior to loss
agreed value
provision agreed upon by insurer and insured as to amount of insurance that represents fair valuation for property at time insurance is written and suspends any coinsurance or other contribution clauses in policy
stated value
amount of insurance scheduled in property policy not subject to any coinsurance requirements in event of covered loss
salvage value
estimated value an asset will realize upon sale at end of useful life
blanket insurance
single property policy providing coverage for multiple classes of property at one location or for one or more classes of property at multiple locations
specific insurance
property insurance policy that covers specific kind of unit of property for specific amount of insurance.
loss valuation
factor determining premium charged and amount of insurance required
limits of liability
insurers liability for payment as stated on insurance policy; max amount of money insurance company will pay for particular loss or for loss during period of time
per occurrence
sublimit that puts delinking on payment for all claims that arise from single accident/occurrence
per person
max amount avail for payment of bodily injury to single person in accident, regardless of policy limit stated in policy for bodily injury claims
max limit coverage avail under liability policy during policy year. regardless of number of claims made or number of accidents that occur.
losses paid reduce amount avail for future losses limits restored at anniversary of policy
limits maybe stated per person, per occurrence, or per policy period basis or can be spilt between bodily injury and prop damage
combined single
single dollar limit of liability applying to total of damages for bodily insurance and property combined resulting from one accident or occurrence
proximate cause
act or event considered natural and reasonably foreseeable cause of damage or event that occurs and damaged property or injures a plaintiff
negligence must be proximate cause of damage if injured party is to collect for damages
aka direct liability