Insurance Products 1 Flashcards
In order to have an insurance product, it is necessary to have:
- Insurable interest
- Insurable risk
Defn of insurable interest
- Policyholder must have an interest in the risk, to distinguish between insurance and a wager
Defn of insurable risk
- Policyholder has insurable interest
- Financial and quantifiable risk
- Sufficient data to be able to quantify the risk ideally
- A limit on the liability to the insurer
- The probability of an event should be relatively small
- Risks should be independent of each other ideally
(usually not the case, might have aggregations) - Large volume of risks so that risk pooling can be achieved (to reduce variance & increase certainty)
- Moral hazards should be avoided
-> Results in selection to insurer and unfairness to
other p/hs
Policy document characteristics;
- Legal and binding contract
- > Policy wording
- > Terms and conditions
- > When claims will be paid
- > How much will be paid
- > Exclusions - limits circumstances when claims paid
Types of cover include:
- Liability
- Property damage
- Financial loss
- Fixed benefits
- Policy may provide more than one cover
Features of each type of cover:
- Benefits to be paid (size and form)
- Peril insured against (events that cause losses)
- Measures of exposure (MoE) for example:
- > employer liab - turnover, no. of employees
- > motor cover - vehicle year is a proxy for exposure
- Claims characteristics
- Basis for cover
Claims characteristics include:
- Variation in size of claims/frequency
- Delays in originating/notifying
- Delays in settling
- Propensity to reopened claims
- Vulnerability to accumulation of risk
- Likelihood of fraudulent claims
Types of benefits:
- Amount paid on claims
o Lump sum
o Indemnity
Different bases for cover and their definitions:
(1) Losses-occurring -> covers all claims ORIGINATING (incurred) during cover period
(2) Claims-made -> covers all claims reported during cover period. Reduces insurer liability for latent claims
What is a Measure of exposure (MoE) and what qualities should an MoE have?
- Measures that give an indication of how much risk there is in a policy
- MoE should satisfy the following: o Proportional to risk o Objectively measurable o Easy to measure o Verifiable o Cannot be manipulated
What are the consequences of not using proper MoE?
- Leaves insurer open to selection
What is selection?
- Arises when insurer charges inaccurately for risks
Risk factors
- Risk factors affect size/frequency of claims
motor eg. skill of the driver, safety of car, risk of theft
Rating factors
- Used to determine insurance premium amount
o Based on past claims experience - Risk factors which are measurable
- Could also be proxies to risk factors
motor eg. location, make of car
How does insurer’s risk vary by class of business?
- Homogeneity of risks
o Homogeneous risks vary less wrt size & frequency
o Same rating factors => more homogeneous - Level of independence of exposures
- Changing risks
o Risks may change over time, changes should be
reflected in premiums - Claim characteristics of the business
Liability insurance defn:
- Provides INDEMNITY (restores p/h to initial financial position before the claim occurred)
- Arising from p/h’s negligence
- P/h legally liable to compensate 3rd party
- Indemnifies p/h against financial loss subject to:
o Maximum amount
o Excess (doesn’t apply to the 3rd party’s payout) - After benefits paid, policy may be cancelled or reinstated for additional premium depending on the type of policy cover
- Legal liability depends on the legislation