Insulation 2 Flashcards
What is the minimum size for an attic hatch
20 x 30
The purpose of building siding insulation
Reduce thermal shock
On the concealed grid system stabilizer bars are placed
In order to space the main runners
In acoustical ceiling should be level to ? at the time of installation
1/4 inches in 12 feet
The minimum safety rating for manufactured scaffold planks over 10 feet long is ? X the max load
When installing semi rigid insulation on masonry wall it should be installed with
Stick pins with locking washers
The maximum permitted load per square foot on a light trade scaffold is
25 pounds per square foot
The wire on a duct wrap with foil should be how many inches apart
What is the minimum wire size for seismic lateral bracing for suspended ceilings
12 gauge
Mechanical fasteners are required on ducks with air velocity is over
3000 CFM
The maximum load per square foot on a medium trade scaffold is
50 pounds per square foot
What is the min pull test for suspended ceiling bracing wires when using drilled in anchors in reinforced concrete
440 pounds
Who should the C2 contractor consult about defects in the substrate before starting suspended ceiling install
The general contractor and homeowner
As a C2 contractor what is The maximum amount of us aBestos you can remove
100 ft.²
What is the smallest why are allowed to wrap duct work on an air conditioner
18 gauge
The general practice when installing a ceiling where the soffits is needed is to
Contact the general contractor
What is the maximum span allowed for scaffold planking
10 feet
When installing bat insulation in the walls of a two-story house what must be considered
Rim joists
FS 25 insulation for metal framing comes in widths of
16 and 24 inches
Fs 25 insulation for wood framing comes in widths of
15 and 23 inches