Instuksies Flashcards
Waar/wie is …….?i
Can you recall?
Hoe sal jy….. Beskryf
How would you describe
How would you explain
Hoekom dink jy
Why do you think
Wat is die verhouding
What is the relationship
Can you compare
Hoe verduidelik jy
How do you explain
Wat wys die feite of idees
What ideas or facts show
Voltooi die paragraaf / sinne …?
Complete the paragraphs and sentences
Gee jou eie opine
Give your opinion
Hoekom is dit …. Van Belanger
Why is it of any importance
Hoe sal jy voel as ….?
How would you feel if
Plaas van belangrik tot nie so belangrik nie
Prioritize from most important to least important
Asseseer jou antwoord
Water benadering sal jy vat
Which approach would you
Hoe sal jy dit gebruik
How would you use
Hoe is die situasie
What is the situation like
Kies en implementer
Choose and implement
Vind die oplossing van
Find the solution for
Wat is die alternative for
What is an alternative
Kan jy ‘n oplossing / alternatief
Can you find a solution / alternative
Skry jou eie sinne / paragrawe
Write your own sentence
Hoe steel jy dit voor
How can you imagine
Verbind, verbeter, verander maak jou eie sinne
Combine, improve, change or make your own sentences