Instruments TD 70 Flashcards
What are the standards for task 1170: Perform Instrument Takeoff
- Comply with appropriate departure procedure.
- Maintain climb power, HVR PWR plus 10 percent (±3 percent).
- Maintain accelerative climb attitude (not to exceed 10 degrees nose low) until climb airspeed is attained.
- At 40 KCAS adjust power to maintain appropriate climb, as required.
- Maintain the aircraft in trim after 40 KCAS.
ATM Task 1170
When must an Army Aviator file Ifr in a CH-47F?
(a) Flight is primarily for VFR training.
(b) Time will not permit mission completion under IFR.
(c) Mission can only be accomplished under VFR.
(d) Excessive ATC departure, en route, or terminal area delays are encountered.
(e) Hazardous weather conditions must be avoided.
AR 95-1 CH 5
A flight weather briefing is valid for how long?
Ihr 30mins from time brief received, extended by coordinating with w× facility
AR 95-1 CH 5
Discuss the VOR/TACAN pair/unpair function in the CH-47F.
Pair: CAAS computes assoc TACAN channel based on current VOR/ILS frequency
Unpair: will no automatically pair together
-10-2 Chapter 3, pg 3-247