instruments-description ID Flashcards
- Sturdy clamp to grab fascia
- Not for delicate structures
- Good grip
- Very traumatic
Kocher clamp
big old kocher hot dog
got a good grib on it
little traumatic watching you eat that
not delicate
Grasp delicate tissue in laser procedures, intestinal and laparotomy procedures. Similar to Allis forceps- less traumatic due to their wider, rounded grasping surface.
Babcock forcepts
ovaries, delicate tissue
Small teeth
- Used in holding mucosa and serosa for colostomies and anastomosis
- Approximating organ tissue
- Atraumatic
Allis clamp
Alli has small little teeth
of she has a colostomie she would loose it
Often used for grasping soft tissue such as breast tissue or bowel tissue
clamp for
Fine dissection and clamping of vessels in abdominal surgery
- Dissection of nerves and vessels in neck surgery and mastectomies
- Clamp and tie of fine vessels
Schnidt/Tonsil cramp
the has a schnit snout
very fine
nerves and vessels in the neck and mastectomies
More robust and sturdy than Kelly
Clamp and tie of larger vessels
Mayo clamp
-“Macho” Mayo
Used to secure bovie jacket to drape
- To secure suction tubing or cords in drapes
- Keeps sterile field sterile b/c doesn’t penetrate below field
Non-penetrating towel clamp
Common hemostat for clamp and tying vessels
- Curved or straight
- Shorter, right angled tip
Kelly clamp
- Will make hole in drape so do not use if non-sterile under drape
- Can be used to approximate skin or bone that requires strength to close gap to suture
Grasp tissue, secure towels or drapes
Penetrating towel clamp
Once targeted tissue held back, locking mechanism allows retractor to remain in place (self-retaining)
- Very sharp points to slip under fascia
- Comes in various sizes
- Traumatic—do not use near vessels
Gelpi retractor
Does not require someone to hold it during the procedure.
- Teeth are sharp or blunt to slip under fascia
- Traumatic—do not use near vessel
Weitlaner retractor
Tissue or bone retraction
Helpful when closing fascia
Army/Navy retractor
- Hooks under fascia
- Wide tip allows more tissue to be retracted
Blunt Rake retractor
Hooks under fascia
- Wide tip allows more tissue to be retracted
- Do not put into fat –> tissue necrosis
Sharp rake retractor
-Able to be bent to accommodate depth or curve needed
Malleable retractor aka “Ribbon” retractor
where would you be most likely to use Senn retractor
Senn retractor
Common in plastic surgery, dissection of neck tissue (spine)
Double-ended retractor to retract mostly surface tissue
- Used to hold back small vessels and nerves
- Atruamatic—carotid, thyroid surgery
Vein retractor
Primarily used in thyroid or parathyroid surgery to retract strap mm
Goiter retractor
- Used in all abdominal cases
- Comes in various sizes—sm/med/lg
- Smaller for more superficial structures
- Larger for deeper structures
- Narrow (appy retractor) and wide
- Very sturdy
-Good for dense subcutaneous fat
Richardson retractor
-Holds abdominal structures out of way
- Comes in different sizes and various blades
- used to spread 8-10 cm incision
-Abdominal surgery—gastrectomy, open chole
Balfour retractor
Used for dissection as well as cutting fine tissue
- Used only for cutting TISSUES or VESSELS
- Tie-clamp-cut
- Mostly surgeon will be using
- NOT for cutting suture
this clamp is used to pass suture under vessel and for clamping and tying vessels
Right angel clamp
this retractor is used in abdominal cases
it is sturdy and comes in various sizes
renal vein retractor
this retractor comes in various sizes and is used for retracting muscle and commonly seen in abdominal surgery
when would you use straight mayo scissor
Straight used for suture cutting never use to cut drapes
you would use these for cutting drapes
Bandage scissors
these forceps have
- Small teeth to hold onto tissue
- Gripping strength
- Pick up slippery stones
- bone chips for ortho/neuro cases
- Atraumatic
Russian forceps
picture a Russian with seriously small teeth picking up stones
These forceps come in Many sizes
have serrated jaws
- Used to pick up fascia or avascular tissue
- Traumatic
Rat tooth forceps
rats pick up fascia NOT fat
these forceps have
-Good grip strength
they are used in abdominal and pelvic surgery
-Used with sponge on a stick to retract deep tissue in pelvis, blot blood, dissect tissue
can be used to dissect tissue
Ring forceps
aka sponge on a stick
these forceps are smooth and used for fine tissue, nerves, vessels
- Common in carotid, vascular, general surgery
- Used to pass suture, ties, etc b/c doesn’t damage integrity of materials being passed
- Atraumatic
debakey forceps
little bakeys so it doesnt hurt
these forceps have TWO SMOOTH tips
-Used to pick up skin
in suturing
-pick up peritoneum or delicate tisse
Adson forceps
delicate guy that is smooth and going to get under your skin
these forceps have one smooth side and one tooth side
short handle
and are used in skin suturing
the tooth side is for picking up dermis while smooth is to pick up skin
Adson Brown
smooth =skin
(sink your teeth in deep)
- Used for holding heavy needle
- Very sturdy
- Pick up fascia for deep suturing
Ferris Smith
big old finger pads\
Ferris got big after making that movie
These forceps are strongly constructed
used for gouging out bone
- Mainstay of any surgery w/ potential blood loss
- Plastic or metal tip, various sizes
- Flared tip
Yankauer suction tip
Yanky doodle dandy Lauri would take this to her island
-Various tips
-Smooth tip
-More precise suctioning of small areas
-Smaller for more delicate tissue
used in spine surgery
Frazier suction
Frazier looks like he would have no spine little guy needs surgery
- Porous
- Used to suction large amount of blood
- Irrigate abdomen first with large amount of saline
- Caution—strong enough to suction up an organ
Will get clogged with adipose tissue
Poole suction
Drains are passed through skin with Schnidt clamp and tied into place with nonabsorbable suture
-Once fascia is closed, bulbe is attached to create vacuum suction by PA
Blake or Jackson-Pratt drain
Used to irrigate abdominal cavity before closing or any wound before closing (intraoperative irrigation)
- Can add abx solution to irrigation
- Should irrigate every layer as it is closed
Asepto syringe
why is a bovie used
what are the two ways you can operate a bovie
for hemostasis and dissection
Monopolar setting determined by surgeon
Can be operated by foot pedal or finger control
this is a double tonged forceps used for hemostasis
what are the benefits of a Lap sponge
Lap sponge
this can be used to help with initial dissection
clean rongeur
and can be seen on Xray
the scrub tech counts them
how does a raytec sponge differ from a lap sponge
not as absorbent as a lap sponge
what scalpel blade would you use for large incisions
which scalpel blade would you use for smaller incision
clamp for Passing ties for abdominal surgery; Create passage for a drain during closure.
During ALIF (Anterior lumbar interbody fusion) procedures: right angle is used to
pass suture to clamp when dissecting middle/median sacral artery which descends over the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebræ, the sacrum and coccyx.
when would you use a weitlaner retractor
Common in plastic surgery, spine/joint surgery.
Useful with small, deep incisions and soft tissue dissection at a superficial level.
Used to hold back tissue and expose surgical site
Curved shanks that lead to blades that have 2-6 prongs.
T or F for weitlaner retractor is self training
Finger ring retractor with ratchet lock
how should the army navy retractor be used]
Long and short side
- Start with short to spread tissue
- Switch to long as go deeper
- Atraumatic
Blunt Rake retractor want to avoid this
Do not put sharp rake in fat- can lead to tissue necrosis
how should you use senn retractors
rake side is sharp or dull
- Use rake side under fascia
- Switch to narrow side to hold back mm/fat
- Used in small incisions—neck, thyroid
when would you use a malleable retractor
-Used when suturing peritoneum of abdominal incision by pushing down colon while suturing on top
what type of surgery would you be most likely to use a vein retractor
vascular/head and neck surgery
four pairs of muscles that require the goiter retractor
Strap: four pairs of muscles in the anterior neck.
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and omohyoid muscles.
rhichardson retractor would be most commonly used in these surgeries
retractor seen commonly in abdominal surgeries
when would you use a syn frame
Used in spine surgery
Anterior lumbar interbody fusions, lateral approach
when would you use curved mayo scissor
Curved used for thicker vessels/tissue
when would you use rongeur forceps
Neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery
gouging out bone
when would you use a Jackson-Pratt drain
-Drains used for serous fluid/bile
why are asepto syringes so .important
Irrigation is very important especially in longer surgical procedures. Reduce risk postoperative infection. Vancomycin powder is used by some surgeons.
when would you use a surgical drill
ENT, neuro, spine surgery