Instruments and sutures and stuff Flashcards
What suture?
Where would you use it?
Simple interrupted
Skind, Fascia, Muscle
How are you supposed to hold skizzors?
1-4 holding
What’s this?
Which group?
Abdominal wall retractor
- Retracting instruments,
Which suture is this?
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Allis clamp, used to hold the lungs
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Amputation knife
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Anatomical forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Babcock forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Blalock atraumatic hemostatic forceps
- Hemostats
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Blunt-blunt straight skizzors
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Blunt-tapered needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Circular stapler
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
A. Close-eyed needle
B. French-eyed needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Conventional cutting needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Dechamp ligation needle
- Hemostats
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Dental forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Dieffenbach forceps (bulldog clamp)
- Hemostats
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
Which suture?
What can you say about it? (bonus)
Vertical mattress suture (Donati)
- wide-wide-close-close
- four punctures in the same vertical line
- 1,5 cm and 1-2 mm
- in the subcutaneous layer and superficial
- skin
- slow
- wide and deep and superficial wound closure
Pick up a pen and show yourself how to hold a scalpel
like thisss
How would you hold a forceps?
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Gall bladder forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Gosset retractor
- Retracting instruments
Whats this in latin?
Healing sanatio per primam intentionem
Whats this in latin?
Healing sanatio per secundam intentionem.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Hegar needle holder
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- Retracting instruments
What suture is this?
What can you say about it?
Horizontal mattress
- 1 cm from the wound edge
- 1 cm parallel to the wound edge, a double suture
- deep in the subcutaneous layer
- skin
•in case of higher wound tension
What suture is this?
What can you say about it?
Running intracuticular closure
(aka intracutaneous)
- stitches run in the subcuticular plane
- fast
- cosmetically/aesthetically fine scar
- knot should be tied
only at the beginning
and the end
- skin
- it is used in the skin with minimal wound tension
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Kneed Skizzors
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Kocher clamp
- traumatic hemostatic forceps.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Langenbeck retractor
- visceral and abdominal wall retarctor
Name the incisions
A. Upper median laparotomy
B. Lower median laparotomy
A+B Total median laparotomy,
C. Paramedian laparotomy
D. Transrectal laparotomy
E. Pararectal laparotomy
F. lateral transmuscular laparotomy
Name the incisions
A. Upper transverse laparotomy
B. Lower transverse laparotomy
C. Paracostal laparotomy
Name the incisions
A. Pfannenstiel incision
B. Upper lateral muscle-splitting incision
C. McBurney incision
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Lister bandage scissors
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- traumatic hemostatic forceps.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- Special instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Mathieu needle holder
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
How do you hold a Mathieu needle holder?
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
This thing can be used on both sides, what do the different sides do?
Michel clip applier (left) and remover (right)
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
what in the shit are these bastards?
They’re needles, and belong in group 5..
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Payr clamp
- Special instruments
You use it for crushing the intestine before resection
What are these things?
Which grouping?
Top one is Mosquito, bottom is Péan
suitable for tissue preparation (1. dissecting instruments), grasping
(2. grasping instruments), as well as 3. haemostasis.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Péan clamp
suitable for tissue preparation (1. dissecting instruments), grasping
(2. grasping instruments), as well as 3. haemostasis.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Petz stapler
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
Where would you place the needle in the needle-holder?
What. The. Actual. Fuck!
Someone’s trying to suture that guys dick shut!
hah! It looks like a penis, but it’s actually a purse-string suture you use in the intestine (e.g. appendectomy)
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
- Retracting instruments (surprisingly)
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
What the hell do you use it for?
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
blunt separation of the periosteum and connective tissue from the surface of the bone.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Where would you use it?
Reverse-cutting needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
Soft tissues
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Ring forceps (brain tissue forceps)
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
What do you use it for?
Round-ended probe
- Special instruments
gauge depth or direction of a sinus or cavity by inserting it there in
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Roux retractor
- Retracting instruments
What suture is this?
What can you tell me about it?
Running lock
•knot should be tied
only at the beginning
and the end
- last knot – 3 tails
- reduces the skin tension
- results in more tissue eversion
- skin
No idea what any of this means, if anyone can tell me anything about this suture please click the button top right
What suture is this?
What can you tell me about it?
Running suture
•knot should be tied
only at the beginning
and the end
- fast
- the tension is distributed equally along the length of the suture – edema ¯
- not so safe
- peritoneum
- vessels
- skin
- GI tract
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Satinsky tangential occlusion clamp
- Hemostats
partial occlusion of the lumen of the larger blood vessels.
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Its a saw… just a saw
- Cutting and dissecting instruments (obviuously)
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Should just specify that this is a scalpel with a detachable blade, in contrast to the old scalpels which were complete
Like this one
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Self-adhesive strips
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Self-retaining retractor
- Retracting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
sharp-sharp straight scizzors
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Where would you use it?
Spatula-shaped needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
In ophtalmology to perform the atraumatic penetration between the different layers
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Splinter forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Sponge-holding forceps
I haven’t a clue, you use it for holding, you can create various subcutaneous tunnels with it, you can stop bleeding, desinfect the skin before the surgery.
Probably group 6? special instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Also sponge-holding forceps
group 6? 2? 3? 1?
Before we finish up, can you quickly name the categories for things?
- Cutting and dissecting instruments
- Grasping instruments
- Hemostats
- Retracting instruments
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
- Special instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Linear stapler
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Surgical forceps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Where would you use it?
Taper-point needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
penetrable tissues (e.g. peritoneum, abdominal organs, myocardium, and subcutaneous tissues)
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Where would you use it?
Tapered-cutting needle
- Tissue unifying instruments and materials
sclerotic, scarred, and calcified tissues (e.g. scarred fascia, connective tissue, periosteum, tendon, and calcified vessels).
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Backhaus towel clamps
- Grasping instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Schaedel towel clamps
- Grasping instruments
Which suture is this?
What can you tell me about it?
Donati (vertical mattress)
- wide-wide-close-close
- four punctures in the same vertical line
- 1,5 cm and 1-2 mm
- in the subcutaneous layer and superficial
- knot on the side
- skin
- slow
- wide and deep and superficial wound closure
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Visceral retractor
- Retracting instruments
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
What would you use it for?
(notice the little “spoon” at the end)
Volkmann curette
- Special instruments
skin tags (e.g. condyloma, wart) removal, to clean the base of the infected wound, and to remove the infected bone in the case of osteomyelitis
What’s this thing?
Which grouping?
Weitlaner retractor
- Retracting instruments
Remember that since its “self-holding” it doesn’t need an assistant holding it, and that you have to be careful not damaging the tissues with it (in contrast to the assistant-held ones)
Name the parts of a simple wound!