Instruments Flashcards
For IFR planning, must you avoid flying through a restricted area?
- Yes
- Unless on an airway, avoid flying through a restricted area by 3 NM
- ATC can clear through a restricted area
IFR or VFR, can you fly through a MOA?
- On an IFR flight, ATC will clear through a MOA IF radar separation can be provided
What is a Prohibited Area?
- Airspace where flight is prohibited, ex: The White House
What is a Warning Area?
- Airspace 3 NM outward from the coast of the US that may be hazardous to non-participating aircraft
What is an Alert Area?
- Airspace that has a high volume of pilot training or unusual aerial activity
IAW AR 95-1, what icing conditions may you fly into?
- Moderate conditions IF the aircraft is equipped with adequate deicing/anti-icing equipment
- Cannot fly into severe icing
What kind of turbulence may you fly into?
- Severe turbulence IF Major Army Commander approves and conditions in AR 95-1 are met
- Cannot fly into extreme turbulence or known severe turbulence
When using the DD Form 175-1 (Flight Weather Brief), where MUST you obtain the weather forecast from?
- A military forecaster at current location
- If not available, call nearest military forecaster or “accredited agency”
When a DD Form 175-1 is required, can you obtain weather information from a computer based system?
- Yes, IF approved by USAASA and the commander establishes a training program for it
For IMC flight, does the attitude indicator have to work on both the pilot’s and copilot’s side?
- Yes (Table 5-2: Required Equipment, AR 95-1)
Is it legal to use GPS for IAPs for IFR flight?
- Yes, if aircraft and GPS are airworthy certified
- GPS must have a current, non-corruptible database
Should you make a radio call FAF inbound?
- Yes, when not in radar contact
What is a (D) NOTAM?
- “Distant”
- Sent to all public airports and FSS
What is a (L) NOTAM?
- “Local”
- Information stays local
- Now included with (D) NOTAMs
What is a FDC NOTAM?
What is the width of a VOR airway?
- 8 NM
- 4 NM to either side
- True for 51 NM, then airway expands (approximately 2 NM for every 13 NM)
Smoking is prohibited in or within what distance of Army aircraft?
- 50 ft
For rotary wing IFR flight planning, a fuel reserve of how long is required?
- 30 minutes
What is the SVFR minimum for helicopters?
- 1/2 mile, clear of clouds
To file IFR, what weather must meet published Wx minimums through 1 hour after ETA?
- Predominant
How long does the Wx forecast last before being void?
- 1 hour 30 minutes
What are the 4 circumstances you can’t reduce visibility minimums by 50%?
- Flying faster than 90 KIAS (CAT A)
- Copter approaches
- Approach plate states “Visibility reduction by helicopters NA”
- No reduction less than 1/4 mile
Is an alternate required if radar is required for the approach but descent from enroute minimum altitude for IFR operations can be made in VFR?
- No
What are the takeoff Wx minimums for an Army pilot with less than 50 hours actual weather time and PC?
- 100 ft ceiling and 1/4 mile visibility
When does an Army aviator no longer have takeoff minimums?
- > 50 hours actual weather time and PC
What is the minimum Wx required to initiate an approach?
- No minimums
When can an aircraft be flown below the published MDA or DH/DA?
- Runway/approach lights or landing area in sight
- In a safe position to land
How often must your flight helmet be inspected?
- 180 days
When is it acceptable to NOT file IFR as an Army aviator?
- VFR training
- VFR mission
- Time limit
- Excessife IFR delays
- Hazardous conditions for IFR
- Single pilot
What does the “L” stand for in the L class VOR?
- Low altitude
What does the “H” stand for in the H class VOR?
- High altitude
What are the classes of NDB’s and what distances are associated with each?
- L: 15 NM
- MH: 25 NM
- H: 50 NM
- HH: 75 NM
Are category speeds determined by airspeed or groundspeed?
- Airspeed
If circling to land using CAT A aprpoach minimums, how large is the obstacle clearance area?
- 1.3 NM
What is EFAS?
- Enroute Flight Advisory Service
- Who: Flight Watch
- What: In-flight assistance
- When: 0600 - 2200
- Where: 5000’ ft and above
What is PMSV?
- Pilot to Metro Service
- Direct pilot to Wx briefer service
- Used to update Wx or give a PIREP
What is a precision approach?
- A standard instrument approach procedure that has a glideslope/glidepath
What is a non-precision approach?
- A standard instrument approach procedure without an electronic glideslope
What is a Final Approach Fix (FAF)?
- The fix from which the final approach (IFR) to an airport is executed
What is the FAF for an ILS/PAR approach?
- Glidepatch/glidelsope intercept
How do you know when you are at the FAF on a PAR?
- Final controller will announce, “On glide path, begin descent”
How would you depart an airport that does not have a DP published?
- Either by published Alternate Takeoff Minimums or diverse departure
What is the difference between an ADF and a NDB?
- ADF: aircraft receiver
- NDB: ground transmitter
Where do you find the instructions for pilot controlled lighting?
What is an ILS critical area?
- Area designated by taxiway markings where surface vehicles could disturb ILS/LOC signal
What are the parameters of a “hover taxi”?
- Slow forward movement less than 25 ft AGL
What are the parameters of an “air taxi”?
- Preferred method
- Rapid forward movement
- Less than 100 ft AGL
What are the main differences between a contact approach and a visual approach?
- Contact: at the pilots request with 1 SM visibility
- Visual: must have airport or preceding aircraft in sight and proceed VMC
What three things are required to initate an approach?
- C: Cleared for the approach
- O: On course
- W: Within “remain within” distance
How does an area forecast differ from a terminal forecast?
- Area Wx is in MSL
- Terminal Wx is in AGL
How do you file a flight plan at a class E or G airport?
What are the parameters of a standard rate turn?
- Degrees per second: 3°
- Degrees per minute: 180°
What is the maximum bank angle recommended under IMC?
- 30°