Instruments Flashcards
Airspeed Indicator measures?
Difference between dynamic and static pressure
Types of Airspeed
ICET/G Indicated Calibrated Equivilant True Ground
Indicated Airspeed
Read off of ASI
Calibrated Airspeed
Indicated airspeed corrected for installation error
Equivilant Airspeed
Calibrated airspeed corrected for compressibility. Airspeeds above 180 KTS at or above 10,000FT MSL
True Airspeed
True airspeed corrected for non standard pressure
Types of Altitudes
PATID Pressure Absolute True Indicated Density
Pressure Altitude
When 29.92 is set in Kolsman window
Absolue Altitude
Height above the ground (AGL)
True Altitude
Height above mean sea level (MSL)
Indicated Altitude
Read off of Altimeter
Density Altitude
Pressure Altitude corrected for non standard temperature
How does the ASI work?
Bellows connected to pitot tube, Static port connected to instrument case.
How does the Altimeter work?
Aneroid Wafers exand and contract as atmospheric pressure changes.
Compass Errors
ANDS UNOS Variation Deviation Osscillation
Accelerate North
Decelerate South
Only when starting on E/W headings
Undershoot North
Overshoot South
Only when turning to N/S headings
Angle difference between magnetic North and True North
Magnitic fields created inside aircraft